"Clayton Luclay Misoya" ROBBED OF VICTORY


/ #688

2011-08-03 14:04

In fact BBA/Mnet are playing chess (rigging) when it comes to determining votes. How could Angola not vote Weza on week 10 when they did in weeks 2/6? They cannot fool us by saying Wendull/Wendabore had the same fan base as Vimbai, Vimbai was even much better.On week 4 and 10 Kenya voted for Sharon when their rep was not up, week 11 Kenya voted for Lomwe this is consistency, one cannot understand why within a week that Kenya/Mozambique could change theirs mind so quickly. Namibia has been voting Karen e.g week 7/8 respectively why sudden change in week 13. Mozambique has been consistent with Lomwe so as Angola to Luclay, why the Rest of Africa vote was not split as they did with Mozambique in week 3 for Mumba and Kim? Luclay must have many votes coming from it.If its about neighbouring countries Ghana's vote is acceptable to Karen and so is Namibia vote to Luclay looking at votes history. BBA should really come to an end we've had enough of it and reaping money from the poor viewers!