Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority


/ #118

2014-04-25 02:35

Why are we even discussing the creator of this petition or other officers who may (or may not) be all they claim? Eleanor Roosevelt once said "...small minds discuss people." More than a few of the comments I have read appear to be someone with a bone to pick. Give me verifiable facts, not a rant. Or – better yet - do something about the rampant corruption you claim to have knowledge of. I'm not saying I don't believe that SOME law officers - sometimes even entire departments - aren't corrupt, but I am not going to go on a random internet poster's word about what is going on inside without seeing something to back it up. That just seems irresponsible, especially since it sounds like half these comments on both sides are being made by people who may be closer than they are admitting. Names are being thrown around with familiarity and there is entirely too much insider “knowledge” be it fact or fiction. I’m surprised the media isn’t having a field day.

Anyway, I have a couple of thoughts on the matter (not the person, genders, or race because none of those are relevant and therefore should have no bearing whatsoever in this discussion).

To me, this is the same as if a teacher or administrator obtained a student's information through the school system. Regardless if said authoritarian had met the student previously, if that system was used to track down anyone – minor or not - in any way except for official use, I would think that the person obtaining that information would be considered somewhere on a scale between untrustworthy and a predator. Even if that person was found to have not victimized anyone because it was consensual, (in my opinion) giving that person access to other's information again would be gross negligence. Kind of a burn me once shame on you, burn me twice shame on me kind of deal. I'm 28 and I'm sitting here thinking that seducing or allowing myself to be seduced (much less coercing, IF that was the case) by a 15-18 year old shows more than just a lack of judgment.

Also, I feel that stating things like "God have mercy on his soul" makes Christians sound so incredibly judgmental. I'm a sinner, you're a sinner, we're all sinners. And get this...if you're a Christian we do serve a merciful God. Thank heavens, because we will all be judged one day. There are at least several people reading this; please remember that honey attracts more flies than vinegar.

OK. Bible thumping over. Let the BPD officer roast continue, since it really appears that is what this thread is.