"Clayton Luclay Misoya" ROBBED OF VICTORY


/ #1363

2011-08-15 11:16

It is scary how full of prejudice & discriminative IK & BIOLA ALABI are. It started manifesting during eviction shows with IK clearly turning Africa against Luclay with his comments. On BB forum Nigerians go on & on about why Luclay didn't win: bcause of d mistakes he made.This is 1 of d reason why SA has 2 stop hosting d show, bcause their reasons are pathetic. Karen also did a lot of horrible things in d house, fighting with all housemates, throwing Luclay's clothes outside, worse cause she provoked Luclay,calling other housemates sluts etc. But being Nigerian, her faults are looked at OVALLY, while Luclay is judged SQUARELY. The 2 were both, crazy, entertaining & daring.they were not afraid 2 show their true colours. D world would b a better place if all ppl were TRANSPARENT like Luclay & karen, no pretence. behind all d flaws n imperfactions we saw in them, we all have also witnessed their good softer sides. e.g, d Lotus excuse that haters are using 2 bring Clay down, one day Luclay spoke from his heart & apologised 2 Lotus, her family n Tanzania in d chatroom. If God forgives a person who are u 2 hold things against d person who said sorry. I dont care who says what but Luclay has an amazing heart inspite of those flaws, just like Karen. No one is perfect. The only down fall 4 Clay is that BIOLA ALABI, IK & them are not SOUTH AFRICANS. If u know wht I mean, bcause if mistakes are d issue here, then Karen was not supposed 2 b given d prize, her prize should have bn given 2 HANNI. U know what, Nigerians have made a point, that they are GREEDY, SELFISH & CUNNING. (BIOLA & her crew).there's a lot 2 say about d unfairness of this scam, but let me end by saying BBA is not worth being hosted by our country.