"Clayton Luclay Misoya" ROBBED OF VICTORY


/ #1495

2011-08-27 00:16

Certain people are just mysteriously bound to gravitate towards scandalous and unscrupulous means to achieve their goals in life,to them it is always just a matter of time before it happens regardless of their fairly accomplished standing in society.That includes the methods they apply to support courses close to their hearts such as their patriotism and support of their own countries while using our country as a platform.Victimising and degrading our youth in the process is where they become too overfamiliar which gives us the cue to kick them out.
Once you bust them,they start insulting you and crapping on you from dizzy heights.What a shame.
Its like they have this inherited addiction to unscrupulous tendencies. Kick them out we sure will.
Our people must just please guard against painting everybody from Nigeria with the same brush just because of geographical roots shared with Biola,her crew and other bad Nigerians in our country. By doing that, we wont be any different from those that victimise our youth in a game just because our youth are proud to be from S.A.
We must avoid alienating people who share the same origins with the anti S.A scammers because some of them dont share the same beliefs and work ethics with the scammers.This petition is not about certain nationalities like Nigerians or so. That is too generalized and reckless as well as dividing.There is no way all the people from such a vast community can be the same.There are many Nigerians in our country who genuinely love and respect our country and people.Lets not alienate those good children of our continent who loved our country and came here to share their lives and good deeds with us please.
We must not lose focus by generalizing.
It is the corrupt show that degrades our youth that we are kicking out.Nothing more and nothing less. This hate promoting show must just go from our country,ons sal niks anders aanvaar nie.Hulle moet net voert,dis al.