Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!


/ #908

2014-11-20 03:56

The Duggars are a wonderful, Christian family. Sticking by their beliefs is not a crime. It is how they believe. America has freedom of religion and what they have done has exercised that freedom. There is nothing at all wrong with exercising your religious freedom. They didn't make a big deal about the posts or try to sue someone for believing something different, they simply deleted and moved on. If someone does not like their show, or their beliefs, they should also just move on. Change the tv station, delete them from their Facebook, stop following their blogs, etc; not sue them or try to get them kicked off the air. 19 Kids and Counting is one of VERY few tv shows that comes on in the evening that I allow my 2 & 6 year.old children to watch. The.majority of television shows today are morally unfit for any child to view, and any faith based adult also. I am glad there is a show my husband, my children, and myself can watch together and all enjoy. Please keep the Duggars on tv. They set a great example wether you believe exactly as they do or not, it should be easy to see that they are a kind, loving family. It would do everyone good to be a bit more" Duggarfied".