Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!


/ #1458 Re: Re: Re: Keep 19 Kids & Counting on TV

2014-11-20 13:06

#350: doggie - Re: Re: Keep 19 Kids & Counting on TV 

 Lol. Do you even read the Bible? Jesus made a whip and was chasing people out of the Lord's synagogue. He got angry. God get's angry. He hates sin! And whether people like it or not, it's a sin. People try to change the truth to suit themselves. Well it doesn't work that way, toots. If you don't like it, fine, go do your own thing. But DON'T try to change the Word of God. It says what is says. 

Now I would have no problem with homosexuals but they are forced one me. I am forced to accept them and to think it's perfectly ok. I have no rights there. Now yes, they disgust me. Especially the flamboyant ones that shove it down my throat, but I do not treat them any different than I would anyone else. And I doubt the Duggar's do. They are just saying their beliefs.

It's a very ones-sided road. We live in a country where if you don't accept homo's you're blacklisted and accused of hate-crime. It's flipping ridiculous! Oh how much freedom we have! Yeah right!