Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!


/ #2228

2014-11-21 14:34

They have right to put or remove anything on their Facebook page. They are not promoting any violence and should not be punished for not believing what others believe. That's exactly what they are known for, having beliefs that aren't the most common, which is why they have their own show. Just as viewers are not having 19 kids, homeschooling, courting or saving their first kiss for marriage, they are not going to change their beliefs on gay marriage based on what was removed from a Facebook page. The society of forcing people to agree with you on everything is ridiculous. TLC has brought to light many families that do not conform to social norm (such as polygamy, Amish life, etc) and I really hope they don't change what has been a successful format just because people don't agree with a part of the family. Viewers are more fascinated by a life and beliefs different than ours, which is why these shows are popular. I enjoy watching documentaries on KKK or cults because of the drastic difference from my life, but that does not mean I will follow their example (and I most certainly won't). This whole thing is ridiculous and I hope TLC executives see that as well.