Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!


/ #2490

2014-11-21 23:01

I love the Duggars and am very thankful to have had the privilege of meeting them in person 3 years ago. There are many things I agree with them on, and many that I don't; however, I back them 100% on this one. Number one, whose facebook page were the pictures deleted from? It is their right to delete whatever photos they want from their own page. I don't let just any ol' picture remain on my page, do you? If I don't like it, it is my right to delete it from my own page.  Secondly, there is no record of any derogatory comments made by the Duggars to whoever had their photos taken down. Lastly, a belief is a belief is a belief. If you expact us to be tolerant of you, it is only fair that you be tolerant of us. However, you know as well as I that the far left do not stop at tolerance; they deman acceptance. Well, if you're not willing to accept my Christian beliefs, why should I be required to accept your worldly ones? It all boils down to one thing--truth suppression. You know as well as I that God's Word is true, and that's what you want everyone quieted who believes it. If that isn't true, than why are you so adamant that the Duggars' show be cancelled? If there's not any truth in what they're saying, why stop them from saying it?