Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo

Fabrice GILLES

/ #267 A-HA the legend begin. Yes to live stream on internet to finish "on a high note"

2010-09-21 22:49

Im a fan of the band since their begining , 1985. For me A-HA is more than a famous pop musical group, it is a style of life, a way of thinking, a way to see and to consider the world, this Earth. A-HA brougt me so much in my simple life (joy , hope, happiness etc...). I say to them THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ALL THESE 25 YEARS SHARED with us. Now the legend begins for you guys, in spite of your "Last hurrah " on the 'the of december 2010 in Oslo.  So Guy please to finish "ON A HIGH NOTE " for the last time, thank you to enable a live stream on internet of your final concert in Oslo. We love you. Fan from Guadeloupe , a french west indies isleand.