Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita

Krishna lover

/ #5846 This is the base of all human Mankind since the Birth of adam & eve

2011-12-21 00:11

The intelligent people read all religious book & try to work out what each book is trying to say to ordinary person,All great people of world have read Gita/Bible/Koran/etc.... & have always found there way our of problem & politician have rescued there country from the pylisopy of Krishna & the message from Bhagwat geeta have always give way out of crisis & help to all.
There is a verse in Geeta which have clearly said when your bad days come you run towards mouth of Dragon,which Russians days of finishing Russia have started & this is the beginning of that.We pray God to give them Good peace harmony & right thinking