Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #7843

2012-01-11 17:46

Christians in MP oppose proposed Russian ban on Gita

The campaign to oppose the ban on the Bhagwad Gita in Russia has found support from Christians in Madhya Pradesh, who have requested the President of India and the Pope to intervene to prevent the Gita from getting banned.

The Isai Mahasangh, a state-wide representative body of Christians met governor Ram Naresh Yadav here on Wednesday and submitted to him a memorandum addressed to the President of India.

The delegation requested the President to intervene in the matter and request Russia to stop any attempt to ban the Bhagvad Gita.

On December 28th, a court in Siberia's Tomsk city in Russia will be ruling on a petition pleading for the Bhagvad Gita to be declared extremist literature and banned.

“It is clear that the Russians are not aware of the importance of the Gita, the teachings and values it upholds and above all its place in the life of millions of Indians,” said Jerry Paul, General Secretary of Isai Mahasangh.

The Mahasangh also has written a letter to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, requesting him to intervene with the Government and the religious heads of Russia.

Pointing out the recent efforts taken by the Pope by organizing inter-religious meetings in Assisi, Italy and various other countries, the delegation expressed hope that the Pope would take up the matter of banning Gita with Russia.

The memorandum, sent to the Vatican embassy in New Delhi, requests the Pope to stop any move to destabilize world peace.
