plez dont end mjht otherwise mjht fans will die

Harshit Saxena

/ #19

2010-11-09 16:41

We lOve mjHT...Me aND my FrIends curRentLY invOlved iN Love afFAirs haVE taKEn oVEr thE rolEs oF the cAst aS Our oWn..We aRE So mUch emOtionAlly atTachEd tO the chaRactErs thAT if THe shOW eNds,It'lL bE A blOW tO ouR LiFE..we'lL be shatTEreD INto piEceS..pLEase cOnsIder tHis..PleAse plEase pLEasE..!!! :'(