Save Creative Writing in TAFE

David Trembath

/ #34 Last words before getting on with my life

2010-11-25 04:03

This is tedious. I'm not misleading people. There aren't any units of competency called Novel Writing etc in the existing course. There are 'specialisations' which is what I'm talking about when I talk about teachers contextualising or creating subjects from units. If you scroll back you can see we used a similar list in Refine Writing.

If we are going to talk about curriculum design at least let's use terms accurately. Units of competency describe the competencies which have to be assessed. As to how the unit is delivered this is up to the teacher. We've removed the reporting requirement.

We broke the 340 hour unit down because it's unfair to students. If a student fails to complete the full 340 hours it can be difficult for them to get credit for completed studies. We break down units to make obtaining credit easier. Units are about assessment not about delivery. All unit hours are nominal. You can combine units to your heart's content as long as you can make sure you are assessing people on the competencies expressed in the units and report on this. Don't muddle units with teaching material. They are assessment guides. I repeat delivery is up to the teacher.

I can only wearily repeat there aren't any Cultural Context units in the current course document and I would point out that I don't think they've existed for at least ten years. I must say it's been that long since I heard the term.

If you want to write a Myth and Symbol unit and assess students on their knowledge of mythology or Jungian archetypes you can. I think it's a bit doctrinaire myself but go ahead. Nobody will stop you. Just make sure it's supported by industry (industry are publishers and editors, employers etc) ie that there's an industry need and that they're properly written in competency based terms. And talk about it as much as you like in class. You can use Myths and Symbols in any number of units. Go for it.