No Homework Wednesdays

Quoted post

Happy Guest

#7 Re:

2013-08-08 18:20

#1: -

If you taught school for 33 years, then you MUST know it is NOT the teacher's fault for the amount of class/homework given. There are Georgia Standards that all educators, parnets and students must follow. Yes, I agree it is way too much, especially on the younger students, but do not blame the educators who have to try and teach these students!! Learning should begin at home, but it's not happening in many cases, so it does all fall on the educator to get your students up to par. If you want changes, you'll have to go much higher than the educators!



#11 Re: Re: Re: Unclear

2013-08-08 23:49:54

#7: Happy Guest - Re:

In the future, I would suggest you copy and paste the specific exerpt of your topic such as homework and then put the link for it. No one has found the specifics on homework and it's probably given as a discretionay choice to the teacher of the class. This would be practical application of education skills in practice. No school district should be unwilling or bar any parent from voicing their opinion over their child especially when the Board office and professionals repeatedly blame "ignorant" parents for not have educated children. This is bad leadership at its finest.