Stop Worthing Crematorium removing plaques & memorabilia

Quoted post



2014-03-27 19:26

I've emailed the argus this week and looks like someone from there has responded to the page which is good. I also emailed the crematorium 3 weeks ago and not even had an acknowledgement! It's disgusting and heartbreaking for everyone who has lost someone dear to them. If you need any help with anything please ask.


jenny gladman
The author of this petition

#74 Re:

2014-03-28 23:09:07

#73: -

Thank You for your support, We had a story in the argus last week but the feedback from it was quite negative.. Weve sent emails to The crematorium as well as all 37 councillors, which only 1 replied & suggested we set up a charity to help those that cant afford a plaque on the memorial wall.  Several have emailed local MP's & no replies. We had a meeting arranged with council cheif, that he cancelled an hour before! keep being fobbed off :-( If you are able to help with collecting names on the paper petitions i can email or send one to you?  Follow our FB page & keep sharing will help a lot too.. Many Thanks :-)