No To Whitchurch AD Plant

Quoted post


#41 A sensible idea to Whitchurch Power problems

2014-06-30 07:05

Whilst many suggest Solar PV, the Sun isn't 24/7 constant. You want the power, yet you don't like the way in which it will be generated. Cake and eat it springs to mind. How about a couple of 150ft tall wind turbines, would that be a preference? Its like citing animal cruelty whilst tucking in to your Sunday Roast. Progress is sometimes painful, and yes this does sometimes mean putting up with the down-sides. Until cold fusion technology is viable, YOU have to decide. Have power to boil you kettle in the morning, or green pastures that stretch to the horizon. You can't have both I'm afraid.



#42 Absolutely NOT A sensible idea to Whitchurch Power problems

2014-07-02 12:24:17

#41: Guest - A sensible idea to Whitchurch Power problems

You are missing the point.  This isn't to do with power problems in Whitchurch, but rather specifically to do with Grocontinental making a business decision that an AD plant will be the most profitable solution to their increasing requirement for power.   Speaking as a resident whose children need to walk down that road, who go to school within smelling distance, and who are members of sports clubs also within smelling distance - I would much prefer solar panels, wind turbines, or indeed Grocontinental installing the substation they have permission to do.  This would be infinitely preferable to stopping my children walking to school due to substantial increase in HGV traffic, together with the almost certain and constant smell generated.   Unfortunately it would appear that whilst the AD will make certain and ongoing profits for the Grocott Family, the other green (or none green) alternatives will give nowhere near the same profit margin.  I would note that none of the Grocott Family live in Whitchurch and they chose not to educate their children in local schools.  Therefore the increase in HGV and associated pollution, the smell, the noise and all the other associated anti-social elements to do with this site are not going to effect them.  Yes, by all means we should encourage them to go green with their vast power requirements - but this should not be at the expense of the quality of life of the residents of Whitchurch.

Annoyed Guest

#43 How does this solve Whitchurch Power Problems?

2014-07-02 18:16:45

#41: Guest - A sensible idea to Whitchurch Power problems

This is for Grocontinental only.  All extra power will go back into the grid to make them money.  It doesn't make any difference directly to Whitchurch.  Whitchurch doesn't want this power - a rich and powerful family who don't even live here want this power to make more money for themselves.    Yes wind turbines, solar (you can store the power in batteries you know - the advances in technology are remarkable!) - all are preferable.  An AD of this type will actually cause more pollution, and directly effect the quality of life for a great number of people.    Presumably whoever wrote comment 41 actually has absolutely no idea of what this is about - or is a Grocott.