"Clayton Luclay Misoya" ROBBED OF VICTORY

Quoted post

WUFC member


2011-08-20 13:36

Wendal won, who votted? Us, so why now 'Lu'Cryn?



#1457 Re:

2011-08-22 09:04:33

#1450: WUFC member -

Another Nigerian fool trying to divert attention from the Nigerians to WUFC, really? do you people honestly think that we are that gullible?

A week  (7days) before the final show when both Wendall and Luclay were up for possible eviction and Luclay had 5 country votes, Wendall 2 with a very low percentage even Hanni from Ethiopia had a higher percentage than Wendall where was WUFC.  That is a question you need to ask yourself we are not fools so please do not insult our intelligence.  I know what your next argument is going to be, Some of those people who voted for Luclay that week were Karen's fans, please explain this to me could Wendall's fan base have grown in one week (7 days), is that possible?