To protect and serve???

Quoted post



2014-08-29 00:59

heres a lawyer from .com  indiana....lets talk about law. if you have a bad enoughe accident where someone is,re going to get sued.nothing can protect you from that. a lawsuit is amost guaranteed in a fatal accdent. if you lose in court then the court can have the property seized you hope you have some money for a good attorneys...involuntary manslaughter 



#53 Re:

2014-08-29 16:03:34

#51: -  

 Considering Andrew was jaywalking your wrong he was publicly intoxicated he broke the law in two ways, the driver swerved to miss the gentlemen walking illegally across the road and ACCIDENTLY hit the third one. It was not the drivers fault. The driver wasn't drunk or texting or high. Plus the fact that even if the driver had insurances hardly any car insurances covers accident residing in death.  That's just common sense. In this case having insurance wouldn't of mattered either way!