NMMU PETITION: Unlawful Protests violating our Right to Education

Quoted post


#357 Re: Re: Safety of Staff & Students

2016-09-28 07:30

#337: NMMU Alumnus - Re: Safety of Staff & Students 

 that in essence is the duty of the SAPS and not Advocate Price



#387 Re: Re: Re: Safety of Staff & Students

2016-09-28 08:49:29

#357: - Re: Re: Safety of Staff & Students 

Oh, so no responsibility for Advocate Price should his actions force the opening of NMMU and ultimately lead to a member of the instatutions safety being compromised. How typical is that, all the accolades, but none of the responsibility. If you want to be a public figure & seriously lead a movement you need to be willing to take responsibility for all possible outcomes related to that movement. The NMMU have taken responsibility by shutting the instatution as they cannot guarantee safety, its as simple as that.