Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita

Quoted post



2011-12-20 23:37

The banning of Bhagavad Gita will adversely affect the religious freedom of Hindus in Russia, It is the holiest book for the Hindus and its reading must be encouraged for the welfare of the world



#5847 Re: Bhagvad Gita is not Religion

2011-12-21 00:15:33

#5836: -

Bhagvad Geeta is not a religion that Hidus adapted as holy scripture. It is philosophy that is applicable to human beyin via Yoga. Every chapter 1 to 18 is Yoga and a powerful message to everyone. It doesnot force conversion rather it stops force ful conversion. By stopping such nice philosophy Russain will loose to the Fanaticism and force its people to become narrow minded and stop more exploration in the human philosophy and science.