Letter to the board

To Members of the Board of Directors
Chapel Hill Country Club

As members, we appreciate the time and effort you all contribute to directing the operations and policies of Chapel Hill Country Club. We all understand that it can be really rewarding, but also an unappreciated effort. We are aware that you all value input from members on various issues facing the club, and to this end, we the members would like to avail you, the Board members, of our feelings and desires in the direction that the club seems to be going.

We would like to be heard on the issue of a fitness or wellness center. We understand that the Board has the power to make the decision on the fitness center without a member vote, and we would like the views of a large number of members to be considered in this option. Most of us already belong to a fitness center and feel that anything the club would build would not be equal to what we already have. There are many fitness centers quite close to the club for those who are not already enrolled in a workout center. We understand that the lower level of the club is not a revenue producer, however, it is used for member events frequently. Just recently, the NNGA had a Tri Nine luncheon there, the SMGA had their member guest dinner there. If this space was not available, these functions would have had no place to be held. In the last several weekly e-news blasts from the club, there have been multiple dates when member dining was only available downstairs. If the downstairs becomes a fitness center, would there be no available areas for member dining if the upstairs rooms are used for outside functions?

While a survey may have had a large response indicating a desire for a fitness facility, the question was not asked if people were willing to pay more in order to have this. Many of us would gladly vote for additional facilities, but would vote no if it meant additional costs or loss of spaces we use.
We hope that the Board will keep our desires in mind when making these decisions that will affect our club. It seems that the desire to recruit young families may sometimes be in conflict with the retention of existing members. If this issue was brought to the membership for a vote, we would be agreeable to a majority decision. We are just asking for a voice. We appreciate your hearing our concerns, and hope that we can all come to a place where our club is a comfortable one for all.

Thank you