Rhetorics Written Exam - PPLE Class of 2020

We, students of the PPLE Class of 2020, are unhappy about the way our written exam for the course of Rhetorics has been graded. 

After reviewing our results, we find that the grading rubric is too harsh. The questions we were given to answer do not reflect the answers stated in the grading rubric and the grading shows that we have not been granted with enough space for answers that do not literally state what is written in the model answers.

Therefore, We urge the Rhetorics exam and the given grades to be reevaluated in such a way that the grades accurately and justifiably reflect what the content of the course expected from us, seeing as we were given such a short time for an exam that had not been examined before in earlier years. 

Through this petition, we want to raise the awareness about the issues that so many students are having with the grading and the answers, while also stating that we are at all times interested in an open discussion about the concerns we are having, in order to prevent the same problems from happening in the future.