Keep Ladysmith Town's Name Ladysmith



Ladysmith should be kept as "Ladysmith". The name is historic The municipality must allocate this funding to service delivery in rural areas and in Ladysmith. A total waste of the Tax Payers money.

John Anson Shaw-Copeland (Ladysmith , 2023-11-30)


Ek teken want dit is n mors van geld wat kan gebruik om iets anders reg te maak

Louis Petro Pieterse (Ladysmith, 2023-11-30)


I support the petition to not change the Name of Ladysmith due to its historical value of the name.

Roy Gibbons (Kadysmith, 2023-11-30)


I don't want a name change LADYSMITH is home

Nadia Schmidt (Ladysmith , 2023-11-30)


I'm signing because I want to

Michelle Petersen (Ladysmith, 2023-11-30)


I'm signing this petition to keep our towns name as Ladysmith.

Amber Jooste (Ladysmith , 2023-11-30)


I want to retain the name Ladysmith

Linda Gibbons (Ladysmith , 2023-11-30)


The name must stay Ladysmith

Pierre de Wet (Ladysmith, 2023-11-30)


Im signing this petition for the name Ladysmith to remain the same.

Ji'sonia Badri (Ladysmith , 2023-11-30)


These people know how to waste money unnecessarily. Fix our roads instead of changing the towns name

Tesmika Budhal (Ladysmith, 2023-11-30)


Rather use the money to upgrade our water&electricity infrastructure

Jackie Theart (Ladysmith , 2023-11-30)


Ladysmith should remain the Name. We have deeper issues, like the average n the a clean town

Shane Kinners (Ladysmith, 2023-11-30)


I'm signing as this is a historical town, there is lots of history behind Ladysmith, and we need to respect and honor our hometown. I'm sure the finance that is getting spent on name change, can rather support the needy

Debbie Johnson (Ladysmith , 2023-11-30)


Why should we change da name it's been Der 4ever n it's da town I was born n grew up n my kids n grandkids grew here it shouldnt be changed

Judy Ramjiyawan (Ladysmith, 2023-11-30)


Ladysmith name to stay Ladysmith

Tana Puchert (Ladysmith , 2023-12-01)


To keep Ladysmith name as it is.

Gary McMaster (Ladysmith , 2023-12-01)


I am proud to be n Ladysmith resident and feel we should stick with the name.

Nico Zietsman (Ladysmith, 2023-12-01)


It's shocking to think that our town needs to waste money on changing its name. There are many things synonymous with the name Ladysmith that would be totally lost with another name

Anne Lee (Ladysmith, 2023-12-01)


Ladysmith is part of history long before apartheid. Save the money for a name change and rather fix roads and infrustructure.


Francois Claassen (Ladysmith, 2023-12-01)


I'm signing because us tax payers money can be used better to already lacking other services es in LADYSMITH

Jody-Marie Ontong (Ladysmith, 2023-12-01)


I'm signing because I know the name of Ladysmith my whole life and it's unfair to change the name of our town when there's no need, Ladysmith is a beautiful name and place and it suits our town.

Letania Narain (Ladysmith, 2023-12-01)


Ladysmith should stay Ladysmith

Johan Potgieter (Ladysmith , 2023-12-01)


I want Ladysmith to keep it's historical name

Colleen Thorne (Ladysmith, 2023-12-01)


The funds used to change the name could be better used to improve service delivery.

Richard Lee (Ladysmith , 2023-12-01)


Ladysmith is the name of our Town and it should remain as is.

Kerry Janse Van Rensburg (Ladysmith, 2023-12-01)


I'm signing this because I would like for the name of Ladysmith to stay Ladysmith

Nurisha Ramnarayan (Ladysmith , 2023-12-01)


I think its a wasting of money that can be better use in fixing things in Ladysmith

Marié Nel (Ladysmith, 2023-12-01)


The name Ladysmith is part of the Towns Heritage and what happened there, Ladysmith was named in 1850 after Harry Smith (Harrismith) wife known as Lady Smith. Its like changing the wifes name on a tombstone of a couple who died long ago... disrespectful. This name Ladysmith would become part of a historical event that took place in and around the area a couple of years later. Changing the name would mean you want to erase history which you can't do even if you try. Tourists know Ladysmith and now you just want to confuse them. Rather take the money and first the road in the town or do something that will help with tourism to make money.

Tiaan Vorster (Port Elizabeth, 2023-12-01)


Keep the town’s name Ladysmith

Annette Venter (Ladysmith, 2023-12-01)


I'm signing because Ladysmith is such a historical town. The siege of Ladysmith is history. I do not believe all South African towns and cities should be renamed. If they want African names, build new towns and name them whatever!!!

Josie Batchelor (Ladysmith, 2023-12-02)


No name change please. The town Ladysmith has much greater needs than a name change. A name change will be using money that could be used in other areas in town that need attention. Roads, water, schools, security in the town etc.

Charmaine Lakie (Ladysmith, 2023-12-02)


LJ Nel

Louis Nel (Ladysmith, 2023-12-04)


Ladysmith does jot need a name change. Just a total waste of money and convenience

Yasmin Khan (Ladysmith, 2023-12-04)


Changing a town name is not important build proper infrastructure for the town and give the people of the town better service delivery. Instead of wasting tax payers money.

Meshayne Motheram (Ladysmith , 2023-12-05)


I want MY towns name to remain Ladysmith. The cost involved can be used to repair the town or surrounding areas. Please, use your head.

Aleske Saunders (Ladysmith, 2023-12-05)


No need to change
.. give a good reason why? All you clever (stupid) people that want to change the name.

Isabel Roux (Ladysmith , 2023-12-07)


Ladysmith must keep its name.It has so much history .and why waste money on power struggles.
MD cousins

Merle Cousins (GLENCOE, 2023-12-07)

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