Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Because the choice of any and all medical procedures should be held within the confines of a code of just ethics and the good of each individual, as decided by self or loving guardians or parents. The government has NO RIGHTS OR DECISION over any individual persons.

Beth Mathews (Gilbert, 2021-10-17)


These are credible charges which ought to be investigated.

Nik Sandman (Lincoln, Ne, 2021-10-17)


This virus came about from people meddling with a virus that was not transmittable and making it so to suite their own purposes. Whether it eventually leaked by accident or deliberately is really of no consequence. The manufacturers should be put on trial for all the damage done.

Ray Wood (Port Elizabeth, 2021-10-17)


I'm signing because our communities, businesses, families and physical and mental health destroyed due to a virus with a 99.98 chance of survival, and now our very livelihoods are being threatened or taken away if we don't submit to a dangerous, leaky gene therapy that does not stop transmission nor infection nor death, with zero long term studies , but many glaring adverse reactions. Also, the scientists and drs who deny natural immunity and early life saving treatment need to be brought to justice. The coercive, bullying and illegal behavior is plainly evil and criminal. I believe it is my right to refuse experimental medical procedures! Stop them before they get to the children!

Amy Anderson (ORANGEVALE, 2021-10-17)


I believe in freedom of choice

David Lascala (Sydney, 2021-10-17)


Governments are now confirmed to be working towards a shadow government agenda described in many papers books and documents. An obvious cover up and illegal government activity is in full view for the world to see.

Sean McGowan (Derry, 2021-10-17)


Sic semper tyrannis

David Peters (Byesville, 2021-10-17)


They all need to be held accountable for the crimes they are knowingly committing against humanity!

Kerry Goonan (Mount Gambier , 2021-10-17)


Enough is enough

Cheryl Mitchell (Dagenham, 2021-10-17)


The evil sweeping across the world needs to end now. Let it end with those responsible being held accountable quickly, swiftly and publicly.

Hugh Robinson (Converse, 2021-10-17)


I do not believe in government experimenting on humans

Jodi Cardenas (Hollister, 2021-10-17)


Human rights are being violated worldwide and we need to hold those responsible accountable.

Carole Telman (Fort Frances, 2021-10-17)


I believe these shots are not vaccines and don't provide immunity.

STEVEN SNIVELY (Stoney Creek, 2021-10-17)


Freedom is a god given right. Everyone is given free will and the right to make their owns decisions. Risks come with the blessing to breathe each day. You either succumb to tyranny and fear or live life free with the potential of amazing things.

Nicholas Bergantim (New Bedford, MA, 2021-10-18)


The US DOJ has not taken up rand pauls criminal referral of dr fauci and a serious investigation needs to occur of peter daszak and ralph baric. I find dr flemings evidence compelling.

Levi Mayer (Hawley, 2021-10-18)


It’s the biggest crime to deceive humanity into a mandate against the will of people consent and cfanging the real experimental gene therapy with “vaccine “name untestevef on animalss and never able to isolate the virus CV 19

Flory Bostan (Carlsbad, 2021-10-18)


I’m doing as much as I can to help bring justice back to this world. In fact change the world for the people. I have been sick of these rich sick people in power for years and this has just hurt some many humans it really is the biggest crime against humanity and we need to stop it before it’s too late.

Jai Hood (Brisbane , 2021-10-18)


Dr. Fleming is a top expert in law and medicine, and criminals who prey on humanity need to be prosecuted.

Frank DiPaola (Post Falls, 2021-10-18)


I am against the passport of vaccines, as it violates my rights and freedoms. I protest against the flight bans, since my whole family has citizenship of another country, we do not want to be medical hostages of Canada, since this is terrorism against the citizens of another country. I am protesting against compulsory vaccinations for my family. We are free people and have absolute rights to our body. We are against medical experimentation and fascism. I am against discrimination based on the presence or absence of a vaccine.

Dina Osadchaia (Surrey, 2021-10-18)


i want truth and the coward , corrupt criminals pushing this lie to be exposed and for it to stop

justin rowe (darwin, 2021-10-18)


The individuals being prosecuted should be held accountable for crimes against humanity for violating the stated treaties.

Jennifer Blankenship (Melbourne, 2021-10-18)


I agree with the claims of the authors of this petition. The evidence seems overwhelming that the claims cited in this petition violate existing Internationally recognized criminal codes and treaties. The ICC must
honor their charged duty with righteous haste to investigate and, if deemed appropriate, exact lawful justice.

James Strauss (Oklahoma City, 2021-10-18)


These 'vaccines' and their implementation, are disgusting

Robert Gillam (Islington, 2021-10-18)


The truth needs to come out.

James Shugg (Kingscliff, 2021-10-18)


Due to Crimes Against Humanity

Stan McGinnis (DOVER, 2021-10-18)


I'm signing because, speaking with my father who lived in the Netherlands during the late 1930s and early 1940s, he assured me that this rises to that level of criminology.

John Telman (Fort Frances, 2021-10-18)


I believe in freedom !

Annie Baker (Sandy Valley, 2021-10-18)


It would be nice to see all those involved in this lethal deception to be held accountable… at a minimum it has to be stopped

Sherry Brown (Spokane, 2021-10-18)


This goes against basic human rights!! We all have the right to live free.

Nicole Millar (Darwin, 2021-10-18)


I’m signing because our chief minister has just mandated vaccines to all workers and people are feeling they have no choice as they have families to feed and bills to pay so getting an experimental vaccines against there better judgement which we KNOW is killing and harming people but the public isn’t been made aware as most people watching the news do not get the FULL story of those been injured and dying. Where there is a risk there MUST be a choice and people say they have a choice , get it or leave your job, THAT is NOT a choice, it’s BLACKMAIL plain and simple!!!

Bridgette Del Giacco (Darwin , 2021-10-18)


My family's beloved companions Renton and Kenna, both of the same age, died within 2 weeks of each other, because of yearly routine vaccinations required by our veterinary at their yearly checkups. In a desperate attempt to save their lives, we brought them to a reputable Naturopathic Dr. in ST. Vital, Winnipeg, MB., where after some testing, we were informed that they had been over vaccinated. It had destroyed their kidneys, and unfortunately there was nothing they could do to save them. I was told that most of these vaccines are unnecessary and just a money grabber for veterinary clinics across Canada. We were devastated as they were not just cats to us, but an intricate part of our family and truly loved. They brought us so much joy in their short lifetime. We still feel their lost.

Jackie Vermette (rural Manitoba, 2021-10-18)


I want the people responsible to be caught. For their whole fraudulent activity to stop.

Carol Karr (Southport, Merseyside, 2021-10-18)


Its time these people are held to account for the crimes they've committed all around the world on our humanity

Glen Duncan (Melbourne , 2021-10-18)


I believe in free choice, transparency, and the right to choose!! These phony vaccines need to be looked at.

Chris Young (San Diego , 2021-10-18)


INTERESTING FACTS, FIGURES and OBSERVATIONS. The BIGGER picture on 1984/ WW3/ Holocost V 2. NuFlu/ Global Warming/ ClotShots and other gold-plated square-wheel (frauds/ scams).
New World Order take-over (Now only 20 % left of democracy to surrender )
Before you start , there are things you should know (and questions you should ask).
And it's better than any Uni. course (no marxism for a start) on the how and why faken politicians, fake news, fake safety, fake science, fake medical advice, (and fakin hell, why credibility has disappeared).

Hello walking dead . Note Covid and global warming are the two most expensive mind -diversion scams (solely designed to weaken the last of the western world's sanity/ humanity/ democracy) by forcing unproductive debt/ hunger/ poverty/ surrender and death.
To help you fight back, (next to the importance of real world observations below ) these Email links will be the most valuable to know and share. Highlight/ select all, place them in your email TO section and give these traitoris bastards whatever/ whenever you think someone one needs shooting . Store all links in a batch in your office program, reuse them simultaneously and often. Remember the bastards running at you, are called the media.
(and they are not paid to think or be responsible or give you the facts, they are a weapon).

It appears too many people cant see the bleeding obvious, that humanity and democracy is under multiple attack from the kings that have no clothes, the bastards that regard people as pollution who have orchestrated the current roll out of a people insecticide, the "experimental" cocktail, designed to cripple and convert you and your kids into fertilizer. .

Before the hand-2-hand fighting has to start what's worth a try, is to educate more educators (including you ) to turn off the TV, take a reality check (See essays Below) and send multiple e-letters of complaint, to multiple people (in positions of power) threatening them with what they fear most. Not only a NO vote, but Nurenberg 2 as well. (I know no-thing / sleep-walking traitors to humanity, bastards)

NOTE some legal letters have been written so you can slow the cull, Teen is supplying some, a couple are included further down with more to come. Once you are up to speed make it rain emails. Plenty of information/ ammunition in the following essays. Be sure to on forward this email list (or everything) to any ostritches that you value.

bill turner (mackay, 2021-10-18)


This hoax is the biggest threat to humanity ever. This virus is being used as a Trojan horse to implement the Great Reset agenda which, if successful, is going to throw everyone into a global tyrannical system, where our liberties are no longer unalienable but conditional on behavior and compliance.

Among the objectives of that agenda are depopulation (to achieve sustainable development and all that) and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Internet of Things and of Bodies, AI, 5G, etc). In order to accomplish both of them, the vaccines play an essential role, by killing a bunch of people and, to those fortunate to survive, they would have been injected with nanoparticles so as to trace us, collect our biological data and, more importantly, control us.

Daniel Gomes Luís (Funchal, 2021-10-18)


There is no question in my mind that this is the case and everyone responsible right down to the media and local doctors must be held responsible

Gary Raby (Carluke, 2021-10-18)


Enough damage had been done by these corrupted big pharma guys .
Our freedom is under great pressure .

Amarjit Singh (Klang, 2021-10-18)


I signing this because i have my rights and i have been loosing them

Miroslav Janek (Martin, 2021-10-18)


I'm signing is because I will be terminated on December 8 for not comply to vaccine mandate from Keysight. I was infected in Jan of 2020. Thus, I have natural immunity. Most doctors believe natural immunity is 7 times more effective than the vaccine.

Van Luong (Santa Rosa, 2021-10-18)



Maria Kollarova (Mokrance, 2021-10-18)


lebo covid podvod storocia

Roman Ferov (Holíč, 2021-10-18)


This man is against human's right.

Norhanim Basiran (Selangor, 2021-10-18)


it's plain to see that what's transpired over the last 18 months has absolutely nothing to do with saving lives or global health

Theo Olivier (Nottingham Road, 2021-10-18)


There is more people dying than living from vaccines but they are hiding the truth from the people

SC Fukui (Kealakekua , 2021-10-18)


Je pense aussi que c'est crime contre l Humanité.

Michel Mascolo (Colombiers , 2021-10-18)


Satanic Agenda 21 should never have happened it is destroying many lives globally & all those responsible need to be executed by law!

Shaun Davis (Blackpool, 2021-10-18)


There is no pandemic, man made.

James Palmer (Woodford green, 2021-10-18)


Quiero que se investigue el genocidio disfrazado de salvación la que han organizado farmacéuticas y Gobiernos y se han eliminado derechos y libertades básicas.

Daniel Prieto Juan (BENIAJAN, 2021-10-18)


Take my human rights away as a health person a have to take experimental vaccine on my own risk.Otherwise I can’t travel with out quarantine or another restriction.

Marcel Pangrac (Cheadle , 2021-10-18)


because it has to end. and we must all be equal.
my daughter and I have a problem getting professional examinations

Jana Nešťáková (Prešov 1, 2021-10-18)

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