Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am a living woman

miroslava benkovská (Považská Bystrica, 2021-10-18)


This is not a health issue. It is about rights' abolition, manipulation and segregation. Now it is the Covid passport and last century it was a yellow star and we all know how that ended.

Susana Monsalve (Madrid, 2021-10-18)


I want to see the architects of the COVID pandemic held accountable for their miasdeeds and prosecuted for their crimes. I want my voice added to the numbers who oppose these criminals and their activities, anddemand accountability.

Lisa Nelson (San Francisco, 2021-10-18)


People who have done the wrong thing by the people should be held accountable

Tracey Penza-Love (Sydney, 2021-10-18)


I believe of true and of health sense.

Hana Kloudová (Karlovy Vary , 2021-10-18)


Nastupuje kovid - fašizmus, pod týmto ruskom strácame ľudské prava a slobody, postupne nielen Slovensko, ale celý svet. Musíme to zastaviť

Dorota Malinska (Bardejov, 2021-10-18)


I want life

Zdenka Klimova (Polička , 2021-10-18)


It is high time those responsible, from elitists, WEF, WHO, and World Bank, to politicians, their scientists, and MSM, to be brought to justice.
They are building containment camps around the world so enough space for all of them.

Jan Robberts (Johannesburg, 2021-10-18)


We have to stop the vaccines as soon as possible and all the people responsible for crimes against Humanity must pay for it.

María José Baquedano (Alicante , 2021-10-18)


Medicine has declined to a political dictatorship taken over by big pharma assisted by world governments that cannot be trusted with human health. Natural therapies provide excellent results in the treatment of many diseases but mostly ignored by governments.

Jennifer McBryde (Brisbane, 2021-10-18)


This is so important.

Rannheid Sharma (Brentwood, 2021-10-18)


I am against medical apartheid and forced vaccinatjon

Diyana Fakruddin (Lumut, 2021-10-18)


The international criminals who foisted this false pandemic on the world in order to impose totalitarian control need to be brought to justice as the Nazis were.

Philip Morris (SURBITON, 2021-10-18)


Je to vojna, v ktorej musí vyhrať dobro a spravodlivosť

Mariana Kudlová (Čadca , 2021-10-18)


Podporujem preto aby boli potrestané všetky porušenia zákonov.

Pavel Vanda (Košice, 2021-10-18)


Every emergency measure that's being taken by goverments worldwide leads to one thing...totalitarianism. Enslaving and depopulating the world. Voices being silenced. Police forces not protecting the people but their masters. The world is ruled by evil people/forces at the moment and need to be hold accountable for crimes against humanity.

Endika van der Walt (Saldanha Bay, 2021-10-18)


Liberté pas d obligation vaccinale effets secondaires des vaccins très graves

Soulier Pulcherie (Le Chalon , 2021-10-18)


They try to force me to vaccinated. They are silent about it but its what they want. Treathening my salary and my job.

Alexandre Parent (Montréal, 2021-10-18)


I’m signing because there needs to be an investigation into the worldwide handling of the so called COVID pandemic and there needs to be an immediate halt to the roll out of the experimental so called COVID ‘vaccines’ with recognition of the enormous damage they have wrought in the world with those responsible being brought to account.

Bruce Lamont (Dubbo, 2021-10-18)


Because people are pushed and controlled by global government people who are paid lots of money to do crazy genetic and other experiments on human race

Jozef Semancik (Nazareth , 2021-10-18)


Stop the criminals n corruption

Patricia Tasker (Perth, 2021-10-18)


Parce qu'il faut en finir avec cette mascarade.

Martine Ribicic (Le Pont De Beauvoisin, 2021-10-18)


Truth is truth, we cannot live with lies anymore.

Robyn McKeown (Sydney, 2021-10-18)


Souhlasím s petici

Lenka Moravcová (Mělník, 2021-10-18)


I believe when we look at the mortality data, we have been lied to by our governments and world organisations. The measures imposed on citizens had no solid foundations to implement and are a crime against humanity. A non elected global organisation with no liabilties are making the rules. Where is my country's sovereignty to decide for ourselves?

robeau liebenberg (stellenbosch, 2021-10-18)


This government has lockdown our cities our rights the heavy hand tactic is disgusting. We are now being subjected to a gene therapy that we do not want. We have lost our jobs have no way to support our families.

Megan Sinclair (Shepparton , 2021-10-18)


I believe Drs lie to often and are unethical as they follow government not the right for people to make informed choices. Or are manipulative according to big pharmaceutical financial gain

Henricks Tracy (Melbourne, 2021-10-18)


My gut has been telling me things just arnt right. Although the majority of my friends have had the vaccination I haven't been able to step across that line. It leaves me with .ore questions than answers. I'm a person who works from my intuition. And the gut feeling I get is that this rings a lot like the actions of the nartzys and the glass chambers. When I listen to Dr Fleming he gives me the inteligentvexplanation someone like me is looking for. The search and the facts that explains why I feel the way I do. He's not treating people like idiots. He's giving an in-depth factual and professional account. And not arigent I his knowledge. He also gives people the respect to work it out for ourselves. Thus giving humans the dignity and respect to stay in their own power when making the decision.

Kathy Davis (Sunshine Coast, 2021-10-18)



James Justus (Laurel, 2021-10-18)


I'm signing, first and foremost because I want to protect my family and my children.

Moreover, I want to sign as an act of responsibility to the rest of the human beings of the world.

I have a large organization of people that I work with and to see what's happening around us, the number of people that are being affected by these horrific inoculations, and the pressure they are putting on everybody worldwide is mindboggling.

On top of everything else, we are losing all of our basic and fundamental rights and we need to fight back.

Thank you so much for what you're doing for us!!!!!!!

Juan J. Robredo (Pozuelo de Alarcón, 2021-10-18)


Because i'm fed up of all these misinfirmation!

Spinette Veronique (Vittoria, 2021-10-18)


We are fedup with this "Lawful" MURDER OF PEOPLE!!

Arie Scheepers (Woodstock Cape Town, 2021-10-18)


Yes i du

Ľuboš Tóth (Vráble, 2021-10-18)


Sovereignty above all.

Davina Goh (Kuala Lumpur, 2021-10-18)


We must defeat this evil!

Virginia Mayville (Marion , 2021-10-18)


I don't want to see the peaple in slvernij. It's why I hope somebody can stop this folie

Eric Cordonnier (Torhout , 2021-10-18)


Crimes against humanity. Violation of the Nuremburg code.

Claudia Ehrbar (London, 2021-10-18)


I am signing because I strongly disagree with the medical tyrrany, control and the genocide being perpetrated against all of humanity.

Marie Clodge (Lakefield , 2021-10-18)


Derecho Constitucional y de bioética derechos humanos convenios internacionales y la Unesco

Luis Villarreal Marcucci Luis Alberto Villarreal Marcucci (Panamá, 2021-10-18)


For crimes against humanity

James Tape (basildon, 2021-10-18)


This shit has to finish.

Héctor Lobo (Panama, 2021-10-18)


A vaccination imposed in the bame of a mild flu like disease, and shy away from product liability and responsibility of adverse effects is a crime against humanity, violation of personal liberty.

Binu R (Thrissur, 2021-10-18)


Those who created this virus should be charged with crimes against humanity with highest charges poasible

Jinan Salhi (Toronto, 2021-10-18)

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