Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Podpisujem pretoze bohati jednotlivci a farma-firmy si nemozu dovolit taketo konanie voci ostatnym...

Alena Vaverčáková (Svit, 2021-10-18)


I am signing because I spent nearly 30 years of my life, and my father spent over 20 years of his life, defending the Constitution from ALL enemies: foreign and domestic. As a retired military member I am still bound by this oath and the UcMJ {Uniform Code of Military Justice}. The mandated {government-corporate force} of unproven, poorly tested therapies without informed consent is illegal: by treat; by Constitutional law; by healthcare oaths {Nursing} and morally repugnant. This forcing of questionable therapies upon unsuspecting persons also smacks of bioethics {eugenics} which is also a central tenet of population control organizations that have implicitly or complicity assisted in these mandates being issued {nationally and internationally} financially and/or by position of authority. This also has been facilitated by the Bayh-Dole Act {1980) by which individuals in positions of authority also benefit financially from the pain, suffering and death of persons who were coerced into these illegal therapies.

Leon Sanders (Pensacola, 2021-10-18)


Creo que tiene que haber alguna manera de detener esta masacre y probablemente sea la CPI si todavía hay justicia en este planeta.

Agustín Bravo Gonzalo (Talavera de la Reina , 2021-10-18)


Podpisujem lebo som proti obmedzovaniu ľudských práv.

Andrej Mäsiar (Svinica, 2021-10-18)


They must be held accountable!

Julie Heyes (Uxbridge , 2021-10-18)


We are being killed by the " elite".
May we have a trial.....!

thomas montgomery (dallas, 2021-10-18)


This vaccine was not properly tested and has too many horrifying side effects. Having the government FORCE you to take any drug in experimental trials is not only dangerous but downright criminal. This precident states we longer have autonomy over my body or those of my children. We live in a country of laws with a constitution that guarantees our personal rights. A pandemic does not suspend our rights guaranteed to each and every one of us. Any medical procedure is a personal choice, period. Attaching penalties to a choice is coercion which effects the wellbeing of every family in the world and facing unemployment is the worst kind of coercion.

Amy Rupp (Kingwood, 2021-10-18)


I believe these people to be guilty

Gerald Rogers (Cwmbran, 2021-10-18)


Because I care

Margriet Hoegen (OUD-BEIJERLAND, 2021-10-18)


I'm signing because i feel a lot of people in south Africa got away with this crime. During apartheid a lot of people were killed but their killers are out there pretending nothing happened. Boipatong massacre families deserve justice.

Nelly Mabaso (Boipatong, Vanderbijlpark, 2021-10-18)


nesúhlasím s týmto dianím okolo tzv. pandémie, ktoré rozdeľuje ľudí na dve skupiny, nesúhlasím s diskrimináciou neočkovaných a samozrejme ani s núteným očkovaním a testovaním, aby som sa mohla zúčastniť kultúrnych, športových či iných podujatí.. berú nám našu slobodu!!!!!

Vlasta Kučová (Bratislava, 2021-10-18)


I don't want to be part of this experiment and I hope people Open their eyes and think for themselves and act as free individuals ...

Free from the controlers of the world that áre now being more than obvious to detect

Kiki Preisser (Metepec, 2021-10-18)


I'm signing, because is discrimination and it is not a vaccine.... it is experiment on humans....

Sany Davis (London , 2021-10-18)


Por la censura a la verdad.

Ron Bel (Acapulco, 2021-10-18)


nech idu do basy

Martin Šabo (Topoľčany, 2021-10-18)


I thoroughly believe wrong doing has occurred using illegal means to coerce and manipulate the human race.

Steve Hope (Ripe, 2021-10-18)


The government of the United States is killing people with a untested shot and using forced mandates. There cannot be any informed consent with mandates and not knowing everything that is in these shots. Also hospitals doctors and judges should be held accountable as should the news agencies that are refusing to display both for and against sides of the Covid-19 shots with full honesty.

Charles Donley (Dandridge TN, 2021-10-18)


We have been lied to and manipulated and as an American....Freedom comes first!!!!!

melissa depauw (Sodus, 2021-10-18)


Big Pharma and the medical establishment has been criminally culpable for decades. Obvious to anybody paying attention. Our failure to protect our children from their vaccine massacre has emboldened them to this moment in time. Time to act!

Rae Liera (Cumberland Gap, 2021-10-18)


It’s a disgrace!

Anna Bertalli (Sydney , 2021-10-18)


So I can breath and live freely. And a better and more carefree life for my children.

Lenka Ivančáková (Kamienka , 2021-10-18)


We need to protect everyone’s freedom.

Elise Bailey (The Dalles, 2021-10-18)



Daša Kazimírová (Bratislava, 2021-10-18)


The injuries and deaths from this vaccine far outweigh any other in history and exceed what is acceptable. (even considering the dose numbers). That tally also far exceeds the benefit and indeed is more dangerous, a higher risk to children and the young than covid 19 is itself.

john roach (LAVAL, 2021-10-18)


On ne peut pas continuer de laisser tuer des gens partout dans le monde

Christiane Covo (Marseille , 2021-10-18)


The constitution

Kenneth Fletcher (Grand Junction, Co, 2021-10-18)


We want truth
Expose the criminals

Philip Marr (Dublin , 2021-10-18)


These people need to answer for their many crimes against humanity.

Linda Camper (Colchester, 2021-10-18)


I agree with the statements in this application.

Mel Ulas (Melbourne , 2021-10-18)


I am absolutely horrified by the first world governments handling of this 'crisis'! I genuinely feel that they are the main cause of the actual crisis! Their determination to undermine medical professionals disturbs me more than I can convey!

Lisa Bunn (Santa Cruz, 2021-10-18)


The crimes committed are unfathomable. In saskatchewan b.c. the war act was just re enacted & b.c. & utah usa apparently all on sept. /21,which gives gov power to come & seize your property passed on sept 13/2021. Australian covid camp & other covid camps are also opening. This world is becoming absolutly terrifying & we've lost our constitutional rights. All for a virus cdc states 99.97% survival rate. Its sickening what's going on by our governments. Refusing med. Treatments causing so many to die by with holding treatments & dr.s refusing patients in serious states after the jab, who need cancer treatments etc etc. The sensorship is unbelievable. Biden,fauci, media, fda,cdc,gates & the elite running the show to depop who have outright lied to the world about everything need to be jailed for the rest of their lives.

Kat Coutu (Maple ridge, B.C., 2021-10-18)


It is a choice what we put into our bodies.

Joan Younker (Aylmer, 2021-10-18)


I don ' t agree with rules

Michaela Muscikova (Slovenská , 2021-10-18)


Because I don’t believe covid and no vakcin

Eva Jeff Bielikova (Kos, 2021-10-18)


Jednoznačne boli spáchané zločiny proti ľudskosti, genocída a trestné činy nátlaku a ublíženia na zdraví, ktoré je treba vyšetriť a potrestať podobne ako fašistické zverstvá po 2. svetovej vojne.

Andrej Gracik (Dolný Kubín, 2021-10-18)



Wendell Hardesty Sr (Baltimore Md, 2021-10-18)


There needs to be an investigation into the long term safety, as well as the legality of mandating the injections which are still in phase 3 safety and efficacy testing.

Margaret Stanton (Oxford, 2021-10-18)


Forced vaccination is bad. Dividing the population into vaccinated and unvaccinated, entry bans for the unvaccinated. It is reminiscent of apartheid in South Africa. I'm signing.

Martin Marek (Jihlava, 2021-10-18)


I do not approve of the Covid19 vaccinations

David Ranck (Duarte, 2021-10-18)


Human rights

Amber Hilles (San Diego , 2021-10-18)


I’m signing because all this PLANDEMICS is a genocide and a CRIME against humanity & those found guilty MUST be brought to Justice, just like the Nuremberg Trials in 1946

Gabriel Squella (Madrid , 2021-10-18)


I am fighting for basic human rights. Freedom of choice, freedom of movement, freedom of expression, freedom to travel, freedom to work….without an experimental procedure being forced on me. IT IS AGAINST OUR BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS. COERCION IS ILLEGAL. The NHS is under pressure as usual every winter and yet the government feel it is ok to sack anyone who doesn’t want an injection??? Why are people not allowed to choose??? People are allowed to choose to smoke. People can choose to stuff their faces and end up obese with heart disease but god forbid if some healthy, informed people choose not to take experimental drugs????? This has become sinister. The leaders should be ashamed of themselves.

Clare Thakar (Hornchurch, 2021-10-18)


They know about adverse reactions and aren't stopping Covid Vax

fiona walsh (hertford, 2021-10-18)


I'm signing because I've watched and been affected by the mandates of forcing and coercing citizens of my country to be injected with an experimental substance. It does not stop people from getting and passing on the Covid virus.
Healthy people are being illegally detained using false information.
Although the Prime Minister states there are no mandates for this they are actually having employers mandate it.
There is a no jab , no job policy.
People are losing their employment, their freedom to move around freely and not only their physical health but their mental health also.This matter requires urgent attention.

Maureen King (Newcastle, 2021-10-18)


I want to preserve the freedoms I have enjoyed for my children. People must have the right to bodily autonomy. It is imperative to ensure this type of crime against humanity can NEVER be repeated. Those who have orchestrated, promoted and enabled these atrocities MUST be brought to justice.

Natalia Wase (Devon, 2021-10-18)


There are too many unknowns for this vaccine to become mandatory. The side effects aren't being tracked well and the covid testing is producing false positives. There are doctors and scientists being ignored unless they speak on the behalf of big pharma.
Also exemptions are denied for my religon

Michelle Gilliam (circleville, 2021-10-18)


Chcem vedieť pravdu. Ďakujem.

Vladimír Avtanas (Vydrany, 2021-10-18)


because it's the right thing to do

Vladimír Liška (Praha 3 130 00, 2021-10-18)


Stop ! Just stop this medical fashism!

Victoria Berger (Vancouver, 2021-10-18)


We are not to be experimented on with Vaccines or anything else.

Tessa Smith (Benissa , 2021-10-18)


Crimes Against Humanity

Suzan Ness (Alberton, 2021-10-18)


My body
My choice

Marie-Cécile Very (Tours , 2021-10-18)


Crimes against humanity must be prosecuted

Richard Carruthers (Sandown, 2021-10-18)


Podpisujem, pretoze som za slobodu, demokraciu pre kazdeho cloveka.

Stanislav Murin (Lucky-kupele, 2021-10-18)


Podepisují, proto, že to peklo musí být zastaveno.

Zbyněk Lucinko (Český Krumlov , 2021-10-18)


Firmo perché trovo terribile ciò che sta avvenendo. Ho letto gli studi scientifici e i governi stanno agendo non tenendo conto di questi studi. Lavoro come naturopata. Ho curato il 100% dei miei pazienti affetti da COVID con ottimi risultati. Ora, sto riscontrando molto casi di reazioni avverse al vaccino. Posso affermare che questi problemi sono molto più difficile da curare che la COVID.
Grazie Dr. Fleming per quello che fa!

Nicola Mirko Villani (Lugano, 2021-10-18)


every thing my government is against my human rights and people are dead form this shot they call a vaccine this is a crime

faye coulstring (halifax, 2021-10-18)

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