Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



It is a crime against Humanity !

Danielle Hogu (Menton , 2021-10-19)


it is a war against humanity

Roman Drbola (Velké Pavlovice, 2021-10-19)


I am signing this petition because I do not agree with the measures against the proliferation of COVID-19 introduced by the Government of the Slovak Republic. Furthermore, I do not agree with the pressure exerted on vaccination against COVID-19, the division of people into "vaccinated" and non-vaccinated. I am in favor of releasing IOvermectin and the relevant I-Mask protocols and the like in Slovakia.

Patrik Kotula (Kunerad, 2021-10-19)


Bujdák Jozef

Jozef Bujdák (šurany, 2021-10-19)


I am signing because, those who have been coercing, enforcing, manipulating the truth about, and those who have been mandating the Covid-19 Vaccines have all breached the Nuremberg code and have been involved in committing crimes against humanity.

Avalon Amore' (Gold Coast , 2021-10-19)


I can think critically.

Halina Mozdzen (Łęczyca, 2021-10-19)


The side effects are know and being hidden from the public.

Linda Lamb (Madison, Wisconsin, 2021-10-19)


I think enough is enough. This whole pandemic is a fraud. People responsible for the worldwide suffering must be held accountable. Accountable for the lab leak and the unprecedented disproportional measures with devastating consequences. Let’s finally stop this charade by just saying: NO MORE!

Stay strong!!!!

Dave Otte (Nijmegen , 2021-10-19)


This crimes against humanity have to stop and the perpetrators have to pay for what they done!

Cristina Castellanos (CAGUAS, 2021-10-19)


I understand the actions of those in power, who know better, is causing grave harm to those who do not understand and/or have no defense.

Douglas Roaden (Oklahoma City, 2021-10-19)


Podpisujem petíciu proti ľudskosti, ktorá pôjde do Hágu, preto toto musí skončiť.
Ľudia niesu myši v laboratóriu, očkovanie a testovanie,separacia,segregácie.vsetko zlé.
A tí, podporujú musia za to niesť zodpovednosť!!!!

Ivana Melišík (Gabčíkovo, 2021-10-19)


We are human beings that cannot find recourse for terrible wrongs committed against us. All has been blanketed by Totalitarian dictators. Please help us.

Patricia Lehle (Albemarle, 2021-10-19)


Protože chci podpořit spravedlnost.

Ludmila Piechová (Bohumín, 2021-10-19)


This is a crime against humanity and people responsible need to be prosecuted.

Ingrid Spencer (Underberg, 2021-10-19)


As an anesthetist who has served in the USAF for 10 years and now In civilian practice I see the impact of the experimental gene therapy being forced on the public. I do not support the fake science behind these dangerous shots and feel I should voice my opposition.

Sean Amport (Gloucester , 2021-10-19)


I'm signing because the truth must come out

Tshego Modisane (Gauteng, 2021-10-19)


Please stop the genocide that is occurring worldwide. It’s no longer safe for my grandchildren to go to school as we fear the tyranny of the corrupt governments that are mandating everyone. God help us all.

Aisha Assou (Warragul , 2021-10-19)


I’m signing

Roman Hasidlo (Bolešov , 2021-10-19)


I believe in freedom

Diana Smiciklas (East York, 2021-10-19)


Coercion does not equal consent.

Mark Simmons (Rindge, 2021-10-19)


I believe in individual human rights given to us by God and choose life over death. These shots are new and are harming too many people, they must be stopped.

Gretel Siciliano (Ocean, 2021-10-19)


Souhlasím se vším proč se petice podepisuje.

Naděžda Kozáková (Hořice, 2021-10-19)


The global predators need to be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.

Edward Kromrey (Saint Croix Falls, 2021-10-19)


I'm signing this because it should be a choice not blackmail. Also should not be blackmailed to be the test for a vaccine that scientists know little about.

Kelly Cummings (Omemee, 2021-10-19)


I´m signing because I don´t believe pharma companies and the politics representation with no official possibility to hear another voice and opinion, true information. I am a human with my natural human rights and I have a right to choose what is the best for me with responsibility of my life, health and behavior. And I am a lawyer and believe in constitution and constitutional law that is broken last 1 and half year.

Martina Šelejová (Čelákovice, 2021-10-19)


I believe in justice and truth

Maureen Masser (Cape Town, 2021-10-19)


My Body, My Choice. Recovered Covid patient with a healthy immune system. I had chicken pox has a child and was not given the chicken pox vaccine, same principle.

Victoria Caparelli (Colorado Springs, 2021-10-19)


Because mandating anything on one’s body is a crime against personal freedom, freedom of choice - a choice of what one puts in their body, and no government should ever dictate the choice of bodily autonomy! I was fear mongered into getting the jab - two doses and I regret it now. After reading the reports from trustworthy experts in their field like Dr. Richard Fleming and Dr. Peter McCullough, I regret having got the shot and will NOT be fear mongered or forced to get any booster!

Cara Bullock (Delano, 2021-10-19)


I a man autograph this petition in support of the truth to be exposed.

Josef Valchar (Nanaimo , 2021-10-19)


Porque es una afrenta contra la humanidad y contratos derechos humanos fundamentales, además de una amenaza para el futuro de nuestros hijos y generaciones venideras.

Sergio Sanchez V (Bogota, 2021-10-19)


I'm signing because I've followed this covid drama since December 2019. I used the Doctors for Covid Ethics ever since it was put up; by which time I was already aware of the work of some its founders. I use site as one of the main sources of critical information to add to my understanding of the evolving issues relating to the origin of the virus, the evolving scandal of the vaccines and to follow the timeline. From the beginning the malfeasance on the part of The Great Reset agenda was very clear to me from the beginning. It has become increasing clear to me with each passing day, week, month; that pushing back against the cabal would reach a point when the momentum would stall while perpetrators of crime against humanity would would gain the upper hand. One of most important tools we have left is the courts. The criminals must be brought to court and prosecuted. The International Criminal Court is a good avenue to do that. Godspeed.

Gerald Comeau (Meteghan, 2021-10-19)


Everyone needs to take accountability for their actions.When they don't,we must do it for them.Its called the RULE OF LAW.Difference between them and us,is EMPATHY.

Brenda Mellen (Maple Grove, 2021-10-19)


I believe in freedom. I’m an RN, and our freedoms as a nation are being eroded.

Kristin Cardwell (Temecula, 2021-10-19)


This is the greatest crime against humanity - EVER in history.

John Wessels (Johannesburg, 2021-10-19)


I want those responsible for the crimes being perpetrated on humanity to pay for what they doing.

Laurie Parkhouse (Powell River, 2021-10-19)


Why!! Because it’s beyond obvious at this point people are not only being hurt by this experimental compound (change the definition all you want to fit your narrative it’s not a vaccine) it’s down right killing people. A lot more then what the H1N1 vaccine killed before it was stopped. At this point it’s now criminal and others are complicit in their roles.

Russell Schaeppi (Cottage Grove , 2021-10-19)


Pentru ca UE se fundamentează pe respectarea drepturilor omului!

Catalina Grigore (Deleni, 2021-10-19)


I support Dr. Richard Fleming's letter to The International Criminal Court.

María del Carmen Coleman (Tonneins, 2021-10-19)


I care about humanity and these are severe crimes against the children and all humanity.

Denise Day (Portsmouth , 2021-10-19)


It's about time justice should prevail

Paula Curd-Oluwafemi (Brighton Uk, 2021-10-19)



Jan Varga (Hrádek nad Nisou, 2021-10-19)


I'm signing this petition in opposition to crimes commited against all humanity by criminals around the entire world, in ALL countries.

Patricia Ingram (Port Huron, 2021-10-19)


I strongly agree with this Joint Request for Investigation

Paul Mozina (Milwaukee, 2021-10-19)


BECAUSE of the Government Edicts issued and the coercive tactics used by The Federal State and Local Government working through the Private Corporate Sector threatening people into taking an EXPERIMENTAL injection WITHOUT Informed Consent OR else lose their job their benefits their means of supporting their families.

Patricia League Jr (Pikesville, 2021-10-19)


I have a self mind.

Tomašovič Juraj (Dunajská Streda, 2021-10-19)


Hier gravierend gegen die Menschlichkeit und die Menschenrechte verstoßen wurde.

Norbert Graß (Koblenz, 2021-10-19)


I'm signing this petition because we the people must rise to the challenge of defending our freedoms. It is truly a crime against humanity to exact this illegitimate, genetic altering shot. I sign this for my children and their children, and their children. I thank you sir for answering the call to defend freedom and liberty from these tyrannical, diabolical despots manipulating unaware, uninformed human being into a eugenics expirement to wipe out humanity.

Jeffrey Davis (Elkton, 2021-10-19)


sloboda a ľudské práva sú základným pilierom demokratického štátu

Silvie Janirkova (Dubnica nad Váhom, 2021-10-19)



Marcela Śramková (Náchod, 2021-10-19)


I consider the covid vaccine to be an experiment on humans. The results of the vaccination show that there is no difference whether someone is vaccinated or not.

Daniel Joska (Brno, 2021-10-19)


Creation of unrestricted bio-weapons and releasing them on the world is wrong.
Exploiting Bio-weapons for fear, profit and control is wrong. Undermining ethics regarding the ethical experimentation of humans outlined in the Nuremburg Code and Tri-Council Policy on the Ethical Experimentation of Humans (here in Canada), as well as other international laws and treaties is fundamentally wrong. The complicit nature of media in hiding and suppressing information and research that falls under "Full Disclosure" is wrong. Illegal mandates are wrong. Violations of (HIPA) the Health information privacy act are wrong.
The unrestricted bio-weapon was created with purpose. Those that have created it and those using it for nefarious purposes to further their agenda and remove the rights and freedoms of the global population should be brought to justice.

Lorne Hulowski (Calgary, 2021-10-19)


Pretože sú tu porušované ľudské práva zo strany vlády. + segregácia občanov.

Daniel Polák (Bratislava, 2021-10-19)


The whole plan must be stopped and prosecuted!

Helmut Griebler (Wollmerath, 2021-10-19)

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