Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am signing this because of the lack of verifiable information & data made available by Governments & Health authorities that make impossible to have genuine informed consent regarding Covid treatments of choice or the unthreatened right to decline ‘mandated’ treatments.

Dave Bradley (Wimbledon Heights, 2021-10-22)


The vaccine mandates imposed by state and federal governments in Australia have ignored informed consent of individuals. Workers have been threatened with job loss if they don't comply with experimental vaccine mandates. Informed consent is not possible because the trials of these vaccines are ongoing and there is no long term safety data. Many people are unaware that these provisionally approved vaccines (during state of Emergency)have not been proven to be either safe or effective as is being falsely alleged by media and government

Vivian Rudowski (Portland , 2021-10-22)


I'm well aware this is genocide. I continue to pray for my evil oppresser. I pray for their repentance. Every day. For all of us are under attack from the evil one. God bless you doctor for taking a stand.

Darren Hoy (Nsw, 2021-10-22)


I need to support your cause

Maré Olivier (Kuils River, 2021-10-22)


Because I want to see true justice of crimes against humanity and personal freedom.

Paul McLeod (Gonville, 2021-10-22)


I'm signing because what's going on is a crime against humanity. The pharmaceutical companies, the politicians and the "experts" responsible must be held to account as the criminals that they are.

Lindie Naughton (Dublin, 2021-10-22)


Je signe parce que je confirme la nécessité de la plainte déposée devant la Cour pénale internationale contre les dirigeants français et autres complices pour crime contre l'humanité...

Patrice Lepiller (Val de vie, 2021-10-22)


Not agreeing with current vaccinations and destroying the life's of children which is the future for mankind.

Shaun O'Toole (Centurion, 2021-10-22)


These disgraceful people who have committed crimes against humanity need to be prosecuted

Anne Couzens (Durban, 2021-10-22)


Podepisují petici protože nechci aby naše děti a vnoučata žili v otroctví pro psychopaty.

Josefa Konvičková (Třinec, 2021-10-22)


These people need to be held accountable and charged

Suzanne Ruwoldt (Horsham, 2021-10-22)


I want the those guilty of crimes against humanity brought to justice.

Phyllis Herren (Reynolds, 2021-10-22)


Car toute cette histoire du Covid19 est criminelle

Betariu Ioan (La Chaux-du-Milieu, 2021-10-22)


I'm signing this petitions to STOP mandatory vaccination in my country RSA. It is not a vaccine, and was not approved by the FDA, and even if so, we know that the FDA is just as big a fraud as the inventors of this so called 'vaccine'. It is a disgrace and an absolute LIE to all of humanity! One that threatens to kill out our entire population with poisonous ingredients so harmful and deadly - I am appauled! Sickened to my very core and heart broken for the one's who were not informed of the dangers and severe side effects that's was injected to them unknowingly. The biggest mass murderer humanity has ever encounted. And it is only just starting.

I will not keep quiet! And even if it costs my life, I will not comply with this insane plandemic. It needs to STOP! I can go on, but I rest my case trusting that my God, the only living God, the One the Bible speaks of, is in control whatever the outcome may be. And judgement day will come where every knee shall bow, and every tounge shall confess that He is I AM. The Light of the world and the Creator of the heavens and earth.

So I wil end here. Wake up people! I beg you!!! Wake up and stop believing the lies. It's not about religion, or pro or anti-vaxx. It is about humanity!!

May God Bless you - those who stand up for the truth.

Pauline van der Wilt (9 Sylvia str, de Tuin, Brackenfell, 2021-10-22)


Neverím že covid 19 je smrteľná choroba, je to iba byznis farma firiem a prostriedok na zotrocenie ľudstva

Ivan Hartl (Martin , 2021-10-22)


This plandemic is a grave crime against humanity and many of our loved ones have died and will die as a result of the corrupt politicians all working for the deep state, the cabal and I as a woman of ÉiRe will not tolerate it

Brooks Healy valerie (Gorey Y25V9Y6, 2021-10-22)


We must fight this tyrannical govt that are committing heinous crimes against humanity with this genocide.

Eilis Linneen (Gorey, 2021-10-22)


This government need to pay for the crimes they have committed

Scott Chapman (Far Meadow , 2021-10-22)


I believe in justice for the people.

Ada James-Almano (Cape Town, 2021-10-22)


People in governments around the world who have locked us down & coerced people to get a experimental vaccine that’s doesnt work and who have not used ivermectin & HCQ but let people die using other drugs should be held accountable & sent to the gallows this is unacceptable and they are doing this for the world economic forum fauci,Schwaab,gates & dan andrews should be sent with them

Scott Little (Liverpool , 2021-10-22)


End this madness now.

B Kirwan (Dublin, 2021-10-22)


As a former medical provider, I am appalled at the willful ignorance and lack of compassion shown by the medical communities, as well as the governments around the world. Citizens trust these entities to bring forth honest and factual information for them to make informed decisions. It is abhorrent to also see educated patients denied the use of actual safe therapeutics when suffering from this virus and disease. It is my prayer that each and everyone of them is held accountable for their crimes against all of humanity.

Angela Graf (Medford, NJ, 2021-10-22)


People are being hurt, killed, manipulated, deceived, sterilised, persecuted, and coerced into experimental medical treatment by governments and other institutions on whom they rely. The damage done is already colossal and will take decades to recovery from, but what will happen if it isn't stopped will be far far worse. The people responsible have names, and they must be brought to justice to ensure this can never happen again.

kuno van der post (coffs harbour, 2021-10-22)


the light should to win

Jiri Licek (Pardubice, 2021-10-22)


I'm disgusted by the government's handling over the whole covid situation.

Robert Hewings (Coventry, 2021-10-22)


I want freedom returned and human rights violations stopped!

Scott Turner (New South Wales , 2021-10-22)


I have a conscience & one has to stand up for the truth & bring tyranny down!

John Ferguson (Eungai Rail , 2021-10-22)


I believe in freedom of choice, for every human being on earth! XXX

Annette Emmenis (Greenfield Park, 2021-10-22)


i am signing because I want Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for

Crimes Against Humanity

Lou Baber (Oklahoma city, 2021-10-22)


These are all crimes against humanity and Must be stopped!

Rob Major (Sydney, 2021-10-22)


These people all need to be held accountable what they have done.

S Davis (Melbourne , 2021-10-22)


Pretože vedome páchajú zločiny na ludoch

Emilia Bartosova (Dolné Lovcice, 2021-10-22)


There is suspension about Covid vaccine.

Claire Conley (Denver, 2021-10-22)


Truth shall reign and those responsible should be held accountable.

Natasha Fleming (Vineland, 2021-10-22)


I don’t agree with our freedoms been taken away, I don’t believe in forced vaccines, and I don’t agree that there is no alternative views being discussed just one narrative

Jennifer Clancy (Dublin, 2021-10-22)


I'm signing because we can't let evil win! Stand for truth and justice and ultimately we will win in Jesus name.

Nancy Cacciola (BRANDON, 2021-10-22)


The Vaxxines being FORCED for COVID are MORE Dangerous than Covid and have killed 100s of Thousdands and injured millions, it is simply a crime against Humanity

Mike Wasely (Houston, 2021-10-22)


We should not be subjected to government’s tyranny because of a virus that has over 99% survival rate.

Elise Gremaux (Livonia, 2021-10-22)


Pretože je treba.

Rene Pudleiner (Uppsala, 2021-10-22)


It is clear the response to covid19 is disproportionate, discriminatory, unlawful and based on fraudulent data.

Rene Borg (Laragh, 2021-10-22)


Je suis entièrement d'accord avec vous......

Nadine Sun (La valette du Var , 2021-10-22)


A full independent investigation and prosexution of and crimes committed by persons responsible for producing and administering Covid-19 vaccines which have cause or will cause injury or death upon humanity.

Alek CESMADZISKI (Melbourne, 2021-10-22)


I fully agree with this request for investigation and prosecution of those guilty, into what is currently happening in the world with regards removal of human rights by facist control.

Luane Brannigan (Johannesburg , 2021-10-22)


The government of the US is committing crimes against humanity by injecting its citizens with the C19 “vaccines.”
It is criminal and barbaric what they are doing with the help of the media and global corporations. The jab makers also need to be be charged. Enough is enough!! Save humanity.

Patrice Kelty (Stuart, 2021-10-22)


Evil lies that are harming innocent people while the truth is suppressed is criminal.

Cindy Gray (Winnsboro, 2021-10-22)


Ich unterschreibe, weil im Bezug auf die MRNA- Coronaimpfung meine Grund- und Menschenrechte, ungerechtfertig durch die deutsche Regierung verletzt werden. Wenn Menschen in unserem Land,sich nicht mit diesem experimentellen Impfstoff impfen lassen, werden durch die 2 G Regeln und Probleme am Arbeitsplatz (z Bsp. keine Lohnfortzahlung im Quarantänefall oder Ausgrenzung,) die Grundrechte verletzt. D.h. Ungeimpfte müssen getrennt von anderen sitze Ungeimpfte dürfen keine Kkranken Angehörige im Krankenhaus besuchen. Dies ist Diskriminierung und Menschenrechtsverketzung!

Andrea Rosenau (Frankfurt am Main , 2021-10-22)


Our governments are undoing previously inalienable human rights as set out in the UN Human Rights Declaration. This document was agreed by all major governments as a result of the practices in the Second World War. Without these agreed upon rights we no longer have any social contract with our governments.

James Powers (Auckland, 2021-10-22)


I'm for justice against these greedy, power glutton, Globalist Alarmist Psychopaths. They murdered by creating a bioweapon,
then refused readily available proven effective and inexpensive medicine to patients and FORCED a SCAM-VAXX on sick and healthy people. This SCAM-VAXX has and will continue to cause more harm than the couf19 itself. For this they should be punished.

James Kersey (Chino, 2021-10-22)


I have waited LONG ENOUGH to see an action finally being taken against ALL those involved in the Covid 19 creation and their mandates to MURDER and the attempted MURDERs of our World’s population!

Thanks be to God, there is hope!

Dee Warder (Indian Head , 2021-10-22)


All goverments mandates are against our legal rights....our rights to choose and so much more

Ouellette Nancy (New Brunswick, 2021-10-22)


Those that have been involved in crimes against humanity should face punishment to the full extent and held responsible.

Martha Sanchez (Georgetown , 2021-10-22)


This power grabbing farce must be sstopped and those involved brought to justice - and that includes anyone who lied or put a needle or caused a needle to be inserted into the bodies of a third party.

Tommy Shannon (Newtownards , 2021-10-22)


I believe that is something very dark behind all the Covid Crisis. The Virus and Vaccine are weapons against humanity, We have to finish this madness.

Hilda Zamora (Pembroke Pines, 2021-10-22)


This is a crime against humanity!

Margaret Finch (Colona, 2021-10-22)

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