It is time for the President to intervene in the Tshwane crisis



Enough is enough!!!!!

Nesta Van tonder (Tshwane, 2020-08-09)


The continued stay of the unlawfully imposed admistrators has plunged the city in to chaos

Zondi Makhubela (Tshwane , 2020-08-09)


Service delivery poor

Therese Holt (Pretoria , 2020-08-09)


Poor service delivery . No one to take up my query to if problems arise.

Willem Verhagen (Constantiapark, Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


I am signing because as a resident and as a preschool principal because we can not access or municipal accounts, with the stricter Covid regulations we have potential hazardous waste building up that could impact on the spread on corona and other harmful diseases.

Brenda Schnid (Tshwane Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


Service in the city has come to a complete halt under the ANC rule.

Thomas Pienaar (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


I am tired of the disruption of services in Tswane by the so called administrators appointed by the Gauteng ANC government.

Jurie Stephanus Smal (Centurion, 2020-08-09)


The service delivery must be restored immediately. This is absurd, especially for customers that pay diligently for their service.

Rene OConnell (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


Residents deserve to be governed by their elected representatives and to receive the services that they pay for.

Robyn Arnold (City of Tshwane , 2020-08-09)


There is absolutely NO service

Pieter Muller (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


I'm signing because refuse has not been collected in two weeks. Selati street is piling up with garden refuse and the potholes are getting worse and my vehicle is going to get damaged.

Colin Michael (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


The residents of Tshwane are being held to ransom by the situation in the council of Tshwane. We are paying our rates and taxes and receiving very little for it. The city is looking filthy and neglected. Please help us!

Peta Stevens (Tshwane , 2020-08-09)


It is about time (Yes after 26 years) that the country should start to "go forward" again. I am gatvol of all the mess created over the few months especially.

Ronnie Schlegelmilch (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


I am supporting this petition as law abiding citizens and taxpayers as well as our democratically and constitutional right to expect order and service delivery!!!

Anne-Lore Bramley (Pretoria , 2020-08-09)


Democratically elected city councillors cannot be removed in a coup.

CHARL MEYER (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


I an sick of the pathetic service from Tshwane Council

Tony Randall (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


I'm frustrated and exasperated by the current deficiencies in the City of Tshwane's lack of administration and purpose.

Hilton Bue (Tshwane, 2020-08-09)


The chaos in the city has to end. If residents don't receive services, why should they pay rates and taxes?
I trust the principle of 'no work, no pay' applies in Tshwane.

Tim Steward (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


The ANC must Fall

Nassau Le Clus (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


Tax payer & fed-up with typical ANC incompetancy ... mis-management & corruption

Rina Heigers (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


This lovely city was functional for ages till the ANC took over and ruined the service delivery. The DA made huge progress to recover the damage done. Service delivery improved. Now the situation is total out of hand due to political issues and not working towards the citizens interest.

Emil Bohme (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


The service delivery has come to a standstill. Water, streetlights, potholes and many more

Ben van den Heever (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


We need proper city administration to ensure service delivery

Marius Nel (Tswane, 2020-08-09)


Enough is enough!

Juanita Leask (Centurion, 2020-08-09)


We want a political party like the DA to run the Pretoria Metro.
The ANC are corrupt and unable to manage the Metro. Ansolute no service delivery and our once beautiful city looks like a filthy dump. The DA must return asap to bring some sanity back on our lives.

Rodney Nell (Centurion, 2020-08-09)



Violet Wiese (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


We cannot manage a Metro effectively with a leadership deadlock and huge corruption by the ANC.

Gerhard Kinnear (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


I agree that Tshwane is made a political football at our expense. It has to stop.

Margaret Musekwa (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


In just under four months the capital has fallen into ruin under this administrator

Pieter Engelbrecht (Monumentpark, 2020-08-09)


Ons land is ten gronde agv wanbestuur!!!!

Santie Reyneke (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


I am fed up with no service in our once beautiful city.

Claudia Beket (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


I'm signing because the City of Tshwane is in chaos. There is poor service delivery and the unlawful coup is undemocratic and against the SA constitution.

Rina Wilken (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


This cheap point scoring is totally to the detriment of all the citizens of Tshwane, and is not only childish, but quite unnecessary.

Tony Dippenaar (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


Four months ago, the ANC in Gauteng dissolved the Tshwane Council in an unlawful coup to remove the DA from power.
Since then residents and businesses across the City of Tshwane are subjected to poor service delivery on a daily basis.

Enough is enough!

Mr President I am calling for your personal immediate intervention to end the collapse of service delivery in the City of Tshwane.
Stand up and show your ANC partners that you are in control and that you are a worthy leader. Tell Maila to go and fix Emfulehni so that the killing of the Vaalriver by that useless ANC administration can be stopped. Why is it that only the ANC municipalities all over the country receive qualified audits while the Western Cape is commended for their good governance? Your affirmative action and cader deployment have wrecked this wonderful country in its entirety. Arrange for a lifestyle audit of ALL ANC councillors if Tshwane since 1994 up to 2016. Come and have a look at Lady Selbourne. Let us white minority assist with the management of our country.

Four months ago, the ANC in Gauteng dissolved the Tshwane Council in an unlawful coup to remove the DA from power.

Engela Hanekom (Tshwane , 2020-08-09)


I've had it with this incompetent people that's destroying the city!!

Christina Rheeder (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


I'm signing this, because we as honest, law abiding citizens are tired of the endless battles and strikes being performed by the useless ANC gowernment at the cost of people that deserve better.

Johan Leeuwner (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


I am sick & tired of ANC counsellors who think they are above the law and the citizens who pay their salaries. This &&$¥€ should be fired! It takes a bastard to see another bastard... despicable behaviour from someone in public office.

Edi Iacop (Pretoria , 2020-08-09)


Restore services to Tshwane !!!!

Clive Singer (Centurion, , 2020-08-09)


Service delivery is failing and there is no governance.

Lionel Naudé (Pretoria , 2020-08-09)


Responsible order and leadership must be urgently restored in the Capital City. This is what the people need and want.

Robert Pullen (Tshwane, 2020-08-09)


Tshwane is a mess. Service delivery us shocking bad. Jobcards get cancelled without anything done!!

Stefan Rossouw (Tshwane , 2020-08-09)


I’m signing because the DA gave good service to our city and everything is falling apart under ANC, with very poor service

Moira Arni (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


It is moral and right.Illegal charges added to your monthly water and lights accounts but we have had no service delivery for a month nut we still have to pay.

John Hegers (Wierda Park, 2020-08-09)


Enough is enough!

Tertius Labuschagne (Tshwane , 2020-08-09)


Siek en sat vir die krimminele ANC.

Carine Pelser (Pretoria , 2020-08-09)


This shit must stop

Aletta Van Niekerk (Pretoria , 2020-08-09)


Enough is Enough - Corruption and poor service delivery must end NOW!! I DEMAND to be governed by people that we have ellected namely the DA. Please Mr Ramaphosa, I have faith in you! Please be Man and not a Mouse! The City of Tshwane is falling apart - you can prevent this by doing and not turning your back. We want you to stand firm and let City of Tshwane be governed by the DA. We are NOT going to pay for services NOT rendered!!!

Helena Grobler (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


We need the unlawful administrators removed and councillors reinstated.

Marie Van Zyl (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


Hugely incorrect rates bills and being threatened to be cut off but no one to assist us with it- we have ALWAYS honoured our obligations! Where are you?Water running down the streets litter every where. Paying out of pocket to have our waste disposed of. Where is our pride as a nation?

Siobhan Cuff (Gauteng, 2020-08-09)


I am suffering without proper service delivery that I deserve for my taxes

Hugo Lombaard (Wierdapark, 2020-08-09)


I am fed up with the poor services in Tshwane.

Sunette Kruger (Pretoria , 2020-08-09)


I'm a taxpayer and expect service and value for my money.
And fedup with ANC & EFF corruption.

Henk Schuiling (Pretoria, Gauteng, 2020-08-09)


I demand democratic structures and proper service delivery.

Casper Badenhorst (Tshwane, 2020-08-09)


We need order to be restored and an effective municipal body

Elsa Du Plessis (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


Because we've had enough of lawlessness and we need to stand up to save our City and ultimately our Country!

Corrie Pelser (Pretoria, 2020-08-09)


I am sick and trired for the corruption and the ANC is a preditor and self serving party. We dont serve minsters and . they serve the public. If they paid their own way they would see how expensive it is. Shame on you lot.

Liz van Vuuren (Pretotia, 2020-08-09)


The current situation is a travesty of democracy. The judge delivered a scathing judgement of the actions of the opposition parties which has resulted in one of the capital cities of the country being governed by non-elected persons. The residents of Tshwane are suffering in the meantime!

Tertius Du Plessis (Pretoria , 2020-08-09)


The iniquitous, illegal situation in the Tshwane Metro where the ANC is deliberately and with forethought wreaking havoc MUST be stopped with immediate effect.
Given that the unprincipled, corrupt and immoral ANC cadres are not being swayed by the rule of law or even the comprehensive service delivery, management and good governance imperatives that would be expected from elected representatives, it is clear that only the highest level intervention will cow these arrogant and viciously corrupt ANC members into submission. If the President wants to demonstrate that he is actually committed to the eradication of corruption and mismanagement, then the Tshwane situation provides him with an easy, quick way to do so.

Geraldine Schoeman (Pretoria , 2020-08-09)


My dustbin was emptied 3 weeks ago. It smells terrible and is unacceptable. Why do I have to pay my municipal account.

Amanda Erasmus (Rooihuiskraal, 2020-08-09)


As a rate & tax paying , law abiding citizen. Why should I be exposed or even subjected to this lack of service delivery. When you call for assistance youre ignored. This administration is not who was voted for for , and for that matter who was put in charge. The Current ANC administration has oroven that they cannot and in months have broken that that was working . Proving beyond doubt that even ar lower levels of government they are not qualified.

Brett Young (Gauteng, 2020-08-10)


I did not vote or ask for the ANC to Hijack the administration. Everything the ANC gets their hands on turns to junk. Give us back our services

Nicolette Pool (Pretoria, 2020-08-10)


I am a paying resident of Pretoria and am sick and tired of ANC politics to destabilise our city for cheap political points. Go ahead with the mismanagement and see what happens next year in the municipal elections

Gerda Malherbe (Pretoria , 2020-08-10)


It is rediculous that Political bigatory keep a Metro at ransim regards service delivety. The ANC Councellors does not perform their duties.

Jan Bouwer (Lyttleton, Centurion, 2020-08-10)


I am extremely worried about the speed things are going wrong in Tshwane. No services, no commitment. Seems like the good work done in the last 2 years is destroyed in no time

Valerie Basson (Pretoria, 2020-08-10)


Poor service delivery!!!!

Jurie De Jongh (Pretoria , 2020-08-10)


I want service for the amount I pay every month.

Albert van Lier (Pretoria, 2020-08-10)


Concerned paying citizen

Natalie Lawrence (Pretoria, 2020-08-10)


I cannot cope with this huge bills and bad service

Susan Wassenaar (Pretoria, 2020-08-10)


I'"m signing because urgent action is needed from the top of government to turn around the dire situation in our capital city.

Terry Deacon (Pretoria, 2020-08-10)


I'm a tax payer and tired of corruption, looting and no service delivery.

Chez Manneson (Pretoria, 2020-08-10)


We need better servuce.

Jo-Elca Freeke (Centurion, 2020-08-10)


Water wastage because of leaking municipal pipes are so irresponsible in our beautiful RSA with limited water resources!!
Family members has been for 12 days and longer without power after cable theft!!!

Lorraine Groenewald (Pretoria , 2020-08-10)


Tshwane is going down the drain. Facts show that ANC administration is ineffective.

Shane Coetzee (Pretoria, 2020-08-10)


This is a disgrace. We are being held hostage by the ANC that are operating like thugs. You should be ashamed.

Madeleine De Bruin (Centurion, 2020-08-10)


The state of affairs in this entire area is unacceptable, I am personally inconvenienced, but the poor and needy are totally denied service delivery.

Colin Wilkinson (Tshwane, 2020-08-10)


I am sure CJ and tired of paying for service I do not receive. People are earning salaries for not doing their jobs. We have gone from lockdown to slow down. We need a functioning municipality, urgently- this is the countries capital - what kind of example is being set?

Brenda Wingfield (Pretoria , 2020-08-10)


Enough is enough.

Derrick Jooste (Rooihuiskraal North, 2020-08-10)


I want the City of Tshwane to me managed
according to the Word of God.

Theo Coetzer (Pretoria, 2020-08-10)


The ANC corrupt government, Provincial and Regional Structures and officials must be removed and prevented from all forms of government as they cannot lead, or create, or develop anything. They are destructive to life - human, social, economy, nature and All other forms of life

Hennie Bekker (Pretoria, 2020-08-10)


Illegal procedures must not be allowed to keep the chosen authority from building up the city after it was near ruined by previous political management team

Volkmar Kohlmeyer (Pretoria, 2020-08-10)



Taryn Leslie (PRETORIA, 2020-08-10)


I'm signing because a once-beautiful city has become a sad 3rd World rubbish dump because of trade unions.

Lindsay Reyburn (Pretoria, 2020-08-10)


My property rates are up with 150% in one month.

Marna Loock (Pretoria, 2020-08-10)

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