

We are demanding a public forum to share our concerns and reasons for maintaining angle parking and the heritage of Beckwith Street.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I am signing because I prefer the angled parking. There is more parking available, close to stores in this way.

Also, I was angered by the fact that council ignored what the people of this town preferred and pushed their own way.

Council should represent the people. Period.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)



(Lombardy , 2019-02-16)


I love the wide heritage streets. I prefer the angle parking for safety reasons in particular.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I disagree with how this went down. When I read Mayor Pankow's post it seemed to me that the real issue was money. They had applied to the province and the original plan was rejected for funding. And if you read the post what it seems to be saying is that they think that if the plan conforms to some city planning model handed down from the province they will get the money. That is wrong. You don't sell out your constituents for money. And why would anyone want to ruin the unique character on Beckwith street? Leave the city plans for the cities and protect the unique heritage of our towns!

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I support angled parking.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I am signing this as I do not agree with the process that has unfolded since the October election and I believe option one should be the option to follow as it was the option that was passed 1 year ago

(Stewart, 2019-02-16)


I am disgusted with the way this mayor and council have reversed a decision by the previous council. As a senior who does all shopping banking etc. in town I prefer the safer parking of angle. I do not live right in town but spend my money there.

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-16)


i was born and raised in Smiths Falls ...i now reside in Montague...I do my shopping in Smiths Falls along with my employment... My address is Smiths Falls

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


i grew up in smiths falls and still visit often.this parking is part of heritage and makes the stand have a special way other tourist talk about.

(brockville, 2019-02-16)


I love Smiths Falls and am very proud to call it my hometown. I have worked in Ottawa, Carleton Place and Perth and anytime I have mentioned to people I live in Smiths Falls they remark about how they love how wide our downtown streets are and the angled parking .

(Lombardy , 2019-02-16)


I would not have voted for Shawn Pankow for mayor of Smiths Falls had I known he planned to rescind option 1 and proceed with option 2 if he were re-elected. The reason I did not know this at the time of voting was this plan by Mr. Pankow was never publicly put forward by him, or any sitting counsellor before or during the campaign for the municipal elections.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I would like Option 1 with angle parking implemented as it was approved in Feb.2018.

(Smiths Falls Ontario, 2019-02-16)


I think it’s a huge mistake to get rid of our unique angled parking on Beckwith St. in order to add bike lanes. There are parallel streets far better suited for bike lanes. We can progress as a town without ruining the very features we’re known for.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


This decision had been made by previous council. Not one councillor or the mayor mentioned this revisit in their campaign, and then voted to rescind, within two weeks of taking office. Past council took ten painstaking months to make the last decision, councilors Alford, McKenna, McGuire and Dwyer has two weeks to go over the same information. Keep what is Smiths Falls!

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I want them to keep angle parking or option 1.Thank You

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


The lack of democracy

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-16)


I don’t like parallel parking!

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-16)


I do not believe that there is any good reason for changing our way of parking at all, from angle to parallel.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I do not agree with reducing the number of parking spaces in our downtown core. I also feel that adding bike lanes to Market Street, Maple and George St would be a far safer alternative. The plan council has pushed forward is with little common sense as the bike lanes have no upper or lower town links to support. Last but certainly not least, our current council were deceitful throughout the election and are now rising on some form of errogance. They clearly had this agenda and believe themselves to be untouchable while changing the face of the town and increasing property taxes indiscriminately.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I feel that the electorate was actually duped by some candidates during the election into thinking that the issue of the re-surfacing of Beckwith Street was a settled issue and they stated as such. There has been NO meaningful input allowed by the public during the short term that this council has taken to consider the option of re-visiting an issue that was decided by the last council after months of deliberation. In fact, at best, those who voted to re-visit maintained that input provided was 53/47 for ANGLED; yet they decided to overturn last council's informed despite that their own information was that the public wanted Option 1 (angled parking).

(SMITHS FALLS, 2019-02-16)


The mayor and this council have refused to allow a public forum on this important issue that affects all the citizens of Smiths Falls and the surrounding area. I want transparency from the mayor and council. We can only get this if we can see the results of this forum for ourselves.

(Smiths Falls, Ontario, 2019-02-16)


Angle Parking is part of the town hertiage and it should remain as is

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-16)


I have lived near Smiths Falls all of my life and also work here. Our angled parking is what makes this town unique. Parallel parking will be such a mess down the main corridor and will hold up traffic. A lot of people I have spoken to who come into Smiths Falls to shop find it so much easier to park here because it is angled.

(Merrickville , 2019-02-16)


I visit and shop in the town of Smiths Falls almost on a daily basis. Council should NOT be able to overturn a previous councils decision that spent months researching and listening to the community, to change a decision without public input and in only two council meetings. Does not even give the appearance of democracy.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I have lived in Smiths Falls most of my life, my family before me came here to do their shopping & visit those that lived here. Even though I now live outside of I work & shop in Smiths Falls daily. I also believe in preserving the history & heritage that makes this town unique & different from others. It is NOT a city nor should it be pushed to look like one.
As to the parking I can parallel parking but prefer angle, it is safer & offers more room to enter & exit vehicle from both sides without dealing with oncoming traffic. In the winter it is easier to aquire access to stores via a path made through or over a bankment where as with parellel one would have to deal with trying to open a car door safely & for a passenger to open the door period because of bankment. Backing out into traffic may require a little patience but is definitely doable safely & with ease.
As for bike lanes on Beckwith St. (a connecting highway) it's definitely a safety hazard for both the biker & vehicle. Not to mention the viable benefit of 6 blocks going nowhere. There are side streets that have a better connecting link which would also provide safety to the cyclist.
I also believe the overturn of the original decision was not done with transparency of the newly elected council on representing their citizens by withholding their intentions during their election platforms. Just because they were elected doesn't mean they dictate rather than represent a goes a long way for a healthy & flourishing community.

(Jasper, ON, 2019-02-16)


Angled parking is the best option for the downtown core of Smiths falls

(Chatham, 2019-02-16)


I'm signing this petition because I fully support the fight to save and preserve angle parking. I can agree that Smiths Falls is due for some revitalizing but that can absolutely be done without entirely ripping up and changing the heritage, authenticity and unique qualities that our town has!

Furthermore, I am in support of this petition because as a life long citizen, I feel both decieved by and disgusted with our council and the way they have conducted themselves in regards to this matter; a matter that had already been settled by our previous council.

It's time for transparency and for our community to have a voice, but also for that voice to be heard AND acknowledge!

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I am signing this petition because I believe that this Council has not considered the wishes of the people in Smiths Falls. I believe that angle parking should remain and that bike lanes should not be placed on Beckwith Street but rather another less travelled street.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I was born and raised in Smiths Falls and although I do not reside here I frequently visit and shop there.

(Richmond, 2019-02-16)


I do not believe the council acted in good faith when they turned over the decision without going back to the public for input. This was already decided. I own a home here and live here. I moved here to live in a quiet, quaint town which I believed was on the cusp of getting caught up on local isssues.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I am signing this petition because I am against changing the angle parking to parallel parking. I don’t live in Smiths Falls but I run a seasonal business in the town and I am in Smiths Falls almost daily because of kids sports and shopping.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


Changing our parking is going to kill businesses in our town and cause problems for emergency vehicles. This needs to be stopped

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I am signing because I feel that the actions from the mayor and council was very shady. Like majority of the people we thought the issue was dealt with a year ago...we fought then and Council listened and spent a long time weighing the options and voted to keep Angled Parking! The New council on direction from the mayor quickly and quietly overturned the decision. Not once do I recall it ever being discussed during the election and if it had of been part of their agenda the election results would have been very different! The mayor should be listening to the people and give them the respect they deserve,,,He has lost the trust of the people who pay high taxes as it is and he is going to burden them with more

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I have lived my whole life in Smiths Falls. I currently reside 15 minutes outside of town BUT my hard earned money is spent in this beautiful town. Although beautification of Beckwith street would make it more appealing I do not feel that changing the parking or adding bike lanes is necessary. I also believe that by adding all that the plan indicates will make it very difficult for those with mobility issues to exit their vehicles.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


Do not want the downtown core changed. Keep our heritage downtown and do not spend our tax dollars on something we do not want

(Smith's falls , 2019-02-16)


What this mayor and some councillors have done is disgraceful!!

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


This is my hometown. I’ve always worked hard to volunteer and promote our beautiful town. I’m happy to see it prosper but I’m saddened that suddenly the residents seem unimportant and are being disregarded by the mayor and some council. This is where I was born, my spouse was born, my kids were born and so many other family members that still reside here. I was active in public consultations when Option 1 was chosen by the majority and find this re-visit very sneaky as I did ask the question. Please reconsider and listen to the majority.

(Jasper, 2019-02-16)


This decision affects everyone!

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I’m against parallel parking

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-16)


I am signing because I believe the mayor has willfully chosen to manipulate the situation and bully some members of council and force his plan thereby going against what the people of the town actually want.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


Have lived here my entire life and feel it is a part of the towns history.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I support this cause. Should not be parallel parking on the Beckwith Street.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


This is a democracy, people in Canada should and need to have their say and municipalities need to listen to the people that put their trust in these politicians. Do the right thing and reverse your vote or have a referendum and let the people decide as they have already done.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I want to keep angled parking

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-16)


Because I wish to preserve Beckwith St. angle parking.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I want to preserve the old fashioned SFs which includes angle parking... this allows more cars downtown, which means more people/shoppers plus more money for the town in the way of meters.

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-16)


I have lived here in Smiths Falls for my entire life. My husband and I bought pur home here. We are raising our children here. We work here. We volunteer here. We shop here. We pay taxes here. We LIVE here. We deserve a say in the future of our beloved home town. A community is made up of many, not just a select, “elite”, “gentrified” few. We are supposed to be part of a democracy, not a autocratic state. We, the majority, understand the necessity for updating infrastructure, but fail to see any reasoning for the unnecessary proposed changes forcefully thrown upon us by a very insignificant number of ELECTED officials, in a most underhanded and deceitful manor. It is a sad time for our beloved Smiths Falls, when we continue to lose important parts of our heritage, for the egos of a handful of self-serving, self-righteous buggars.

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-16)


I want to save our parking the way it has been since I can remember as a young child ,angled

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I'm signing because angled parking is better and in favour for everyone, and we dont need bike lanes in a town, where if you blink youd miss it.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I want to keep angle parking and I feel council mislead the people that voted for them

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I believe Angle parking is part of the heritage of Smiths Falls and I believe what the new town council did was deceitful and undermined !

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)



(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)



(Smiths falls, 2019-02-16)


Because I am from Smith Falls and angled parking is part of Smith Falls

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


Parallel parking downtown Smiths Falls would affect our businesses. We're need the parking the way it is!

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


Prefer Angle, do most of my business in Smith Falls. Found it difficult to parallel park, like in Perth

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I'm signing because I believe in democracy and the rights of the Canadian people to demand transparency and integrity from their elected officials, regardless of the level of government. It is the responsibility of the people to hold council accountable when they are not policing themselves.
The current council in Smiths Falls is demonstrating dictatorial behaviour and has blatantly stated that they intend to continue in this way throughout the term of office. The following quote from the Mayor of Smiths Falls, in response to a request for a public forum on the current topics, is confirmation of his intent to continue on this path.
"We will not hold a public vote on Beckwith Street nor on the future of Confederation Bridge nor on what will happen to the existing water tower or any other issue that comes along. The public will weigh in with their opinions and council will consider feedback when making its decisions. In the end, each member of council will cast their vote based on what they believe is best for the community. That's the way democracy works."
To “weigh in with their opinions” the public must be provided with an opportunity to present it. No such opportunity was given in the recent council’s declaration to rescind the previous council decision on the Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan. No such opportunity was given to “weigh in” on the current council’s declaration that “Option 2” would be the only option considered. The current Smiths Falls council has made a unilateral declaration that the Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan will include bike lanes, a parallel parking configuration with no mobility impaired designated spots and pedestrian walkways without curb barriers from the street.
For all of the above reasons and more I am joining the ratepayers of Smiths Falls proper in this petition to reinstate the democratic process and hold the Smiths Falls Town Council accountable to serve and govern for the people and not for themselves.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I'm signing because I am disappointed in the mayor and council's decision. I was happy last year when they decided to keep angled parking. I thought it was settled. Angled parking is easier and safer than parallel parking. It makes our town unique and is part of our heritage.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


It’s not right

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I’m signing to preserve the Angle Parking on Beckwith, Street Smiths Falls as it is part of the Heritage and Uniqueness of Smiths Falls

(Athens, 2019-02-16)


I want to keep the angled parking. So much more accessible!

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-16)


Smiths Falls has been known for our wide main st and because I believe that parallel parking will Hinder traffic as people will take more time to park and with this plan it will cause more traffic problems, also for our seniors to get in and out of their cars into traffic will be dangerous and most likely result in many crashes as they open the doors. Also I believe this council acted inapproiatly

(smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I do not want to see parallel parking on Beckwith St in Smiths Falls

(Smiths falls , 2019-02-16)


We need to come together to protect the heritage of Smith's Falls. Including Angled Parking.

(Smith's Falls, 2019-02-16)


Keep angled parking and heritage

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


Two HUGE reasons!
1) Current Smiths Falls residents as well as our past and future residents deserve to keep our well functioning ANGLE PARKING along with keeping our attractive Beckwith Street in downtown Smiths Falls as is! Generations have learned to Angle park without issues. Currently there is simplicity on both sides of the street with Angle parking having easy access to park.
• Parallel parking creates frustrating issues such as holding up traffic while someone is trying to maneuver backing up into a parallel parking space all while causing further frustration with other drivers not willing to wait and trying to pass by.
• Our downtown is a main through way considered part of Queens Highway 29 & 15 which is a regular passage for a lot of travelers and transport vehicles. Congestion will definitely be an issue created by waiting for said cars to parallel park.
2) Current council has NO RIGHT to rescind on a very lengthy and thorough voting process that PREVIOUS council had ALREADY passed! If THIS issue WAS intended on being reassessed there CERTAINLY should have been PUBLIC input as the PREVIOUS council accepted!

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-16)


I believe in preservation of our heritage and our unique angled parking.

(Jasper, 2019-02-16)


I want our towns uniqueness to stay. Also I doubt I’ll be shopping downtown if it becomes parallel parking. There’s a reason why I drive right through downtown Perth, too hard to park when it’s busy, however at least they have parking lots behind a lot of their stores.

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-16)


I do all my shopping in Smiths Falls and have lived their for many years. My township is Rideau Lakes as of 11 years ago as we had to rebuild a home to make it accessible for my husband. I think the town should focus on accessibility as we have so much difficulty in the town getting into businesses and restaurants with his power wheelchair. If this parallel parking goes through we will not be able to park at all on Beckwith Street. Accessible vehicles either open from the back on the left or right side needing room for the ramp to come down and then room for the wheelchair to come out. It would be a nightmare for us. Thanks for listening.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I don’t want our heritage ruined. There are much more things to be doing in our town since pankow has taken over . Confederation bridge.turtle island, camp ground. He has screwed up enough already!!!

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-16)


I do not believe the parking issue was revisited in an open way. This was not apart of any council members platforms and it was believed by the public that this issue was resolved last year.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I do 95% of my shopping in town. I love angled parking. I love the wide street. How about focusing on accessabilty for the people who who require it to be able to shop down town!!

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-16)


I am a native of Smiths Falls, and return regularly to visit. Angle parking makes for easier access to shopping in the downtown core. I feel that the wisest move would be to make the bike lanes in the less busy streets for everyones safety.

(Corunna, 2019-02-16)


Preserve the heritage in Smiths Falls

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-16)


I am disgusted with town council and I want to retain the town's heritage. For the first time in my life, I am embarassed of my town. I AM a resident and I demand a referendum and a
new election

(Smiths falls Ontario, 2019-02-16)


I love the wide main street and how much parking is available. It’s easy to park right in front of (or very close to) the establishment to which you are going. It is a unique historical feature.

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-16)


I own a home in smiths falls and agree with this petition.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I am in favour of angle parking to remain .

(Jasper, ON, 2019-02-16)


We have lived here our whole lives. Our nice wide Beckwith St with angle parking if our heritage. We feel if you go to parallel parking you will cause utter chaos and you might as well roll up the street as the majority of people will not shop downtown. We will have backed up traffic and with transports and everything it will be a mess. Just yesterday on Rusell st., there was a delivery van double parked and a car parked behind it. No one in either, people had to wait till the other lane was clear to go around. Just ridiculous. Had we known this was being brought up again in council a couple of my votes definitely would have changed.

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-16)


I would like to keep angled parking in our downtown. It’s very rare I can’t find a spot to park in. Perth, Carleton Place, Merrickville are all extremely difficult to find parking. Smiths Falls is unique and known for it’s angled parking. I rarely see anyone on a bike downtown. Beautification can be done without losing our parking. Losing our parking just doesn’t make sense.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I am signing because I work, shop,get my massage,have my eye doctor and dentist,attend church,and volunteer in Smiths Falls.I grew up here and consider this my home.I feel the angle parking is important especially near the churches as there is not enough parking now.

(Lombardy, 2019-02-16)


To many reasons to list.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


What the Mayor and council have done is wrong. They have insulted the people of Smiths Falls. This matter was dealt with by the previous council. None of the present councilors, nor the Mayor campaigned on this matter, and yet without any consultation have decided that this is what's best for Smiths Falls. Shame on them!

(Kingston, 2019-02-16)


I am signing this because I want to request that the mayor and the council of Smiths Falls will reconsider their decision of Option 2with parallel parking and implement Option 1 with angled parking .I live in Smiths Falls and would want to see our heritage of our front street saved

(smiths falls, 2019-02-16)


Angle parking is best option for our town

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-16)


I think option 1 is best and I feel the decision to reverse it was done in way that leans towards crooked .

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I wanna preserve our heritage

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-16)


I’m signing this petition Because the Mayor’s and Council’s actions with regards to the redevelopment of Beckwith Street have not been transparent or democratic.
This matter was dealt with by the previous council. None of the present councilors, nor the Mayor campaigned on this matter, and yet without any consultation have decided that they do not want the taxpayers input and that this is what's best for Smiths Falls.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


Angle parking is efficient and keeps our town unique.

(Smith's Falls, 2019-02-16)


I believe we should keep angle parking.

(Smiths Falls ON , 2019-02-16)


I want to preserve our original street design and heritage

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I was born and raised in Smiths Falls. It is my hometown. I have always worked in Smiths Falls and I always shop there.

(Lombardy, 2019-02-16)


This is not only about angle parking, it is also about making decisions that do not have the towns best interest at is more like someone pounding their chest and saying I am king of this jungle..

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I personally prefer angled parking and think that changing it to parallel is a horrible idea for many reasons.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I’m in favour of angled parking not option 2 parallel parking

(Smiths falls , 2019-02-16)


The people should get a choice. My choice is angle parking

(Smith's falls, 2019-02-16)


I care.

(Lombardy, 2019-02-16)


I want to help save the stores in downtown Smiths Falls. Beckwith St is part of our history.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I am signing this because I lived in Smiths Falls for thirty years will probably retire there and my Father as well as both sides of my family still reside there. Changing angle parking on main street after the town voted against it as a new council is not democracy. The council members did not address these issues during their campaign nor are they listening to the public .. shame on them.

(Brockville, 2019-02-16)


I’m signing because I want to preserve angle parking.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I live in Smiths Falls and want to keep the heritage of this town

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I feel parallel parking on front street will be a safety risk to all!!

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-16)


I do not agree with parallel parking. Past experience (from living in other towns ) this style of parking does not work. If you take a survey of the age group of people living here, I believe that roughly 57% would not succeed in parallel parking. There would be more confusion and frustration to deal with.

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-16)


Growing up in this town anyone can see that parallel parking would not work. It does not take into consideration the needs of the disabled, families with young children, or the elderly that need the close parking to the stores. With all of the parking that we have now eliminated to make room for fewer parallel spots, this would make it much harder for people to access the stores. The previously mentioned groups, as well as people who may not be able to parallel park, will now begin avoiding our downtown core as they will want to go somewhere that is easier to shop.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I want to keep Smiths Falls heritage and uniqueness!

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I’m very disappointed by the way the mayor and council are disregarding the the views of the people of Smith’s falls I for one would have voted differently if you had been upfront with your election campaign.

(Smith’s falls, 2019-02-16)


I live in smiths falls . Save our heritage!

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-16)


I believe angle parking should be kept and a public forum should be held .

(Smiths Falls on, 2019-02-16)


I want the angle parking to stay the same as it has been for many years!!!
Heritage is important.
I live on the outskirts of Smiths Falls and shop here.

(Smith’s Falls, 2019-02-16)


Keep angle parkkng it is the hertiage and look kf the community of an old town

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-16)


I believe that we should keep the heritage angle parking in the town of sniths falls. It makes the town what it is. I love the idea of seeing the angled parking, when I think of the main drag of the town having different parking too me it doesnt make sense. I have lived in that town since I was a little girl and the fact of changing the angled parking is ridiculous, there are a hundred other things you could begin to change or fix than this.

(Kanata, 2019-02-16)


I strongly believe that we have been bamboozeled. The utter sneakiness and lac of information shared concerning this topic is ridiculous. Not to mention that parallel parking is ludicrous in Beckwith street.

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-16)


I want us to keep our angle parking.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I lived in Smiths Falls for my whole life except for the last year and feel that angle parking should remain to continue the heritage that it represents plus it is easier and safer than angle parking.

(Perth, 2019-02-16)


My voice needs to be heard. I love how unique our Beckwith St. Is

(SMiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


Our town is a Hetitage town and it should stay that way Fix what needs to be fixed and leave the parking alone

( Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I do not like the way the present council overrode the decision for angle parkng

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I support angle parking

(merrickville, ontario, 2019-02-16)


We need to keep our heritage. Spend money where it is needed! If it ain't broke...don't fix it!!

(smiths falls, 2019-02-16)


Because of parking

(Smith's falls , 2019-02-16)


I live in Smiths Falls and feel that angled parking is a better option than parallel parking. We need to keep it! It’s much easier to angle park and it gives our town more parking spaces.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-16)


I am against parallel parking in downtown Smiths Falls

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


Where else is there a bike lane In town? We dont have any! Angled parking just makes so much sense. Mabe they should be called stroller lanes? And benches for the welfare to sleep on, and paint graffiti on?

(Smith's falls, 2019-02-17)


I do not agree with the way the Mayor and 3 of the councilors have sneakily deceived the citizens of our community. Angle parking has been a part of our heritage for over 100 years. The members of our community deserve to have a vote on this issue.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


We need to preserve the town's heritage. Angle parking has been present since the beginning of the town.

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-17)


As someone raised in Smiths Falls our angled parking and nice wide main drag was always a good thing. Today as someone who works in Perth but still shops primarily in SF....the angled parking is the main reason. It allows for more parking spots. In speaking with a downtown business owner today, they said that this change will help get more people downtown. If there is less parking and more of it parallel....I know I will just keep driving and buy it elsewhere. The parking issue is the main reason I don't shop in perth.

(Rideau Ferry, 2019-02-17)


Cutting the parking in half is going to have a negative impact on all the downtown businesses. What a nightmare for any resident or visitors with any type of mobility issues. We are going to discourage people from coming to visit our beautiful down town is fear of not being able to find parking. How about our seniors that use the downtown section for their weekly entertainment? The lack of parking is already an issue during our summer months as it is. Please consider all our local and family run businesses that will feel the negative effects if your decision.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)



(Smiths falls, 2019-02-17)


I’m signing in support of preserving our heritage and for those people who are extremely concerned....including our precious elderly some who have stated they may have to change banks because of this. Parallel parking can be difficult and nerve racking for many people on a good day. Isn’t this the trucking route too??? What a mess it would be.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


I do not want angle parking but more over I do not like the sneaky way the mayor and council rescinded the prior vote and did what they wanted.

(SMITHS FALLS , 2019-02-17)


I believe that angle parking is both sensible and historically significant.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


This is part of our history changing something that's not broken is completely irrelevant and a waste of time and money, Mayor Pankow has lost my vote next election, should not of become the mayor again anyways.

(Smith's Falls, 2019-02-17)


Democracy was taken advantage of and the people are speaking and telling council members to listen with their ears open not with predetermined bias

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


Please keep angle parking.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


I am signing because I work, shop and do my banking for personal and work on Beckwith Street in Smiths Falls parallel parking provides easy and fast access to all the places where I will go. Plus the hertiage of the town deserves to be respected. Leave the wide streets alone.

(Jasper, 2019-02-17)


I wish to keep the angle parking downtown to preserve our heritage and provide the necessary parking spaces.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


I want to see better transparency from my local government!! It's so very sad to see our town being divided the way it is. Our councillors seem to have forgot they represent both sides in this matter!!

(Smiths Falls, ON, 2019-02-17)


I agree with keeping Angle parking.

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-17)


I'm signing because the the town had voted. It was decided and this council is going against what the town wants.
I don't care either way about the parking..... I care about wasting money on a bike lane that's not needed!
I'm mostly disappointed in a council I voted for being so underhand and lying to us by omission during the election.

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-17)


It is crazy to change what is existing ! Move on to more important issues the bridge

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


I want to preserve angle parking on Beckwith Street.

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-17)


I feel the town of Smiths Falls need to pay down the debt not spend more on foolishness like this

(Smiths falls , 2019-02-17)


I feel duped. I never would have voted the way I did had the people running been honed about re-opening what had already been settled.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


I wholeheartedly disagree with the over turned decision of creating bike lanes on the main street and changing the angled parking to parallel parking. As a taxpayer the development of the downtown core needs to happen but NOT with these unwanted and unnecessary changes.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


I believe in heritage aspect also traffic flow will not be impeded with angle parking.I also disagree with the way the council went behind the backs of the citizens of this town

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


I want to preserve angle parking on Beckwith Street

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-17)


I want to keep angle parking i feel it’s safer both myself and my grandchildren to exit my vehicle

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


I want the heritage of our town preserved. Im dead set against parallel parking. It will deminish our parking severely.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


I DO NOT want parallel parking in Smiths Falls! Keep the heritage, keep the look, and keep the parking spots!!! Be done with Mayor Pankow and the counsel.

(Smiths falls ont, 2019-02-17)


We need to preserve our heritage.

(Smith falls, 2019-02-17)


The Mayors had gone nuts

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-17)


I like Angle parking. It’s part of our Heritage. And brings appeal to our town. And I don’t like the way council changed from option 1 to option 2 without constellation from the public. Or towns people

(Smithsfalls , 2019-02-17)


I’m signing this because I want to save our heritage and protect our downtown small businesses! And because I do not want to support anything that will protect our cowardly Mayor! Our heritage is worth saving!!

(Smiths Falls Ontario, 2019-02-17)


I believe taking away angled parking will destroy the downtown businesses and will be a major safety issue!!

(Smiths Falls , 2019-02-17)


There is no reason to change our beautiful Beckwith St. We are well known for our wide street-leave our history alone!!

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


I am signing because the Mayor was dishonest to get reelected. I do not like dishonesty. The common saying “If it not broke do not try to fix it”

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


We need to preserve this beautiful part of Smiths Falls

(Smiths falls, 2019-02-17)


Don’t like the idea

(Smiths falls , 2019-02-17)


Angle parking should stay. Will be too much congestion with parallel parking. Big trucks coming up through not to mention the rest of the traffic would be at a standstill until the person got parallel parked.

(Toledo, 2019-02-17)


I’m signing because I want to keep angled parking in Smiths Falls

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


I want to keep angle parking. Why waste taxpayers money

(Smiths falls , 2019-02-17)


Parallel parking on Beckwith St. in SF is a foolish idea and was agreed that it wouldn't be implemented.
Rural voices MUST be heard re: THEIR town.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


I believe our opinions should matter if the mayor and councilors want to live in a town that looks like Perth 5 hen they should just move to Perth.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


i shop there \ parking angle.......listen to the peoples voice.......they all pay taxes so they do have a say.......

(perth, 2019-02-17)


There are a lot less accidents with angle parking and it does not hold up traffic with drivers who cant parallel. also you can get more parking spot with angle parking

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)


I am concerned for the safety of not only cyclist but the drivers of the viechles who will be stepping into traffic and into snowbanks with parallel parking I think this is rediculous

(Smiths falls , 2019-02-17)


we need to our Heritage the way it is supose to be not the way they want ot change it .leave things along and start thinking about building homes for proplr to live in and not on our streets and keep the rents down .put a cap on rents so people don't get homeless .

(smiths falls, 2019-02-17)


To keep our heritage

(Smith falls , 2019-02-17)


I dislike the idea of parallel parking, bike lane, and the fact they reversed this decision.

(Smiths Falls, 2019-02-17)