The "I'm Interested list" for Daimond Approach Scandinavia 2 group

Dear human being. 


I hope this text finds you healthy and well. 

What do you long for in life? Do you want to explore the depths of your human nature and/or do you feel that something is a bit off in your life? Maybe something that is rubbing, that you can't quite put your finger on. Maybe it's always been there, like a glove that doesn't quite fit. But maybe the bottom line is:  Would you like more truth, depth and connection in your life? 


The reason I'm writing this text to you is because I have a wish.
I wish there will be a new Diamond Approach group opening in Scandinavia starting 2024, at Ängsbacka Course and festival center, close to Karlstad in Värmland. A physical group where deep inner work, exploration, connection, curiosity about truth and other essences and perhaps even true friendship can blossom- And I'm wondering if You would like to join it? 


These are some peopel that have already signed up for the DA Scandinavia 2 interest list: 


Johan Tetzlaff

Maria Darwish 

Björn Haake

Elisabeth Holmen 

Elin Wiberg Wennerberg 

Chris Lane

David Bergmann 

Linda Granquist

Anton Persson

Malin Kraft

Idha Karlsson 

Olya Chukina


If you have an instant “YES - I wanna join a Daimond Approach group at Ängsbacka!”,

 I invite you to sign up  for this Scandinavia 2 interest list. When we have approximately 30-40 people, we will present it to the Diamond Approach (Ridwhan) school and ask for teachers. 
Add yourself (Name and email) to this list and do note that this is not a binding contract - just one of Your intention to wanna join this group.



If you don't have an instant YES I invite you to read a bit more here bellow:


For me, there are four core reasons to manifest this new DA-group at Ängsbacka .  

I wonder if you can relate?  


1. Personally I love being in a field of people that are relating to themselves, the world and their exploration of truth.  It makes me feel at ease, alive and safe to have in-depth conversations.  As my internal life comes into balance my external life improves as a consequence.  


The true friendships that emerge when we do this inner work together are really precious to me.  I am finding the older I become, the harder it is to gain genuine new friends outside of cirkels where people do their “Inner work”. Therefore the sideeffect of deep conection with others is one of big importance for me qnd others on the path.


2. A DA-group has already been meeting at Ängsbacka to do their inner work twice per year for the last 10 years or so. This indicates that Ängsbacka is a appropriate place to host Da-Groups plus I know from personal experience that Ängsbacka gives beautiful surroundings; The fields, deep forests, lakes etc.  


3. The Zen Coaching community also has a centre at Ängsbacka. Zen Coaching, funded by a DA-student is one of the most popular courses in Ängsbacka every year. Since one of the foundational pillars of Zen Coaching is teachings of Almas book 1; (Daimond Heart; Real elements in man) utilizing inquiry, essence, theory about holes etc, a second group would satiate the appetite for more of this type of inner work.  And as many have already had a taste of this type of inner work at Ängsbacka -  I believe they will keep coming back for more and would like to join a DA- Scandinavia 2 group here.  


3. Finances.  Right now, should someone living locally in Sweden/Norway (or in the North in general) wish to join an open DA-group, they need to travel down to the continent, or to the UK.  Given DA-groups meet twice a year, this adds extra travel and accommodation costs for those resident in Scandinavia.  I believe it would benefit everyone and the planet to hold a new DA-group locally to do our work together. 


To give an idea of cost, the coursefee for a 7 day DA retreat is approx 7000 Kr/per week depending on the currency the teachers wish to be paid in - and the accommodation required at Ängsbacka which comprise dormitories, double and single rooms (510kr-1000kr/per night). 
Please note that there are possible scholarships available for people under 40 in the Ridhwan School (DA) to pay for accommodation, childcare and course fees.

As I see it there are other reasons as well, which I can share 1:1 if you are interested in discussing further.

So Do You feel called to join new Diamond Approach group if one were to open at Ängsbacka?  If so, add yourself (Name and email) to this list and do share this information with anyone that you know who might be interested in this type of inner work:


Meanwhile if you want to bathe further in the DA, have a look or a listen to the Podcast called “Pearl Dialogues”, which I co-host/create. In the Pearl Dialogues we have in depth conversations with DA-teachers exploring the nature of reality.

Please find below some episodes made especially with new students in mind (Choose Spootify or Youtbe):


Episode 2:

Our latest; Episode 11:


Sending you lots of love, 

//Trust the process//


Elin Wiberg Wennerberg."


Elin Wiberg Wennerberg    Contact the author of the petition

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