Acknowledgement for Babies born before 24 weeks

I am fighting for the memory of my son Jacob Jaxon-Lewis Mclean, who was born at 18+3 week gestation on the 24th October 2013 at 9.10 and lived for twenty minutes. I was informed that i get no acknowledgement because he was born before 24 weeks gestation. I never stop fighting for my son, and in the end I was granted a birth and death certificate. A grieving parent should not have to extend their greif and heartbreak even more, in the UK a baby born before 24 weeks subsequently dies within 28 days is registered as a neonatal death and is not eligible for a birth or death certificates.

I think that if a women has to give birth to the baby they have lost, they deserve acknowledgement. This type of acnowledgement will not bring our babies back, but it means we have another form of a memory which we can hold on too. I not trying to change the medical ruling of not giving them help, I just want acknowledgement. The NHS Trust are encouraged to develop a sstem of hospital-based commemorative certification for foetuses that are not classified as stillbirths. This would provide women and couples with a certificate recording their pregnancy loss before 24 weeks of gestation.

Their time was short, but precious.