Adam Barnard to run Adidas Dream Mile in NY with his homies

Adam Barnard has earned/deserves/needs to run the Adidas Dream Mile in New York City with the other best milers in the country. Now, I may or may not be a highly intelligent human being, but it would seem to me that whomever is in charge of invitations and selecting the few deserving to run missed the fact that a 4:15 mile is contained within the field competing. Now, my dear, fast, striking young man of a friend, Adam Barnard has run 4:07, making him US #7 this year. As previously stated, I am not a rocket scientist and I do not have a degree in mathematics and correct me if I am wrong anywhere in here, 4:15 and 4:07 over the matter of 1,609m is a huge difference. That's like Beyoncé and Iggy. Yeah, Iggy is famous and some find her attractive, but Beyoncé is Beyoncé. Adam is our Beyoncé here people. So, please, give the world our Beyoncé. Give the running world, ADAM BARNARD.