4 Way Stop Sign at Highway 99/45 & Railroad Bed Road (State Road 1626)

We understand that there is a need for caution at this intersection because the bridge re-design created a blind spot making it difficult for people to see oncoming traffic from Railroad Bed Road (State Road 1626). This design created the issue to begin with. There was absolutely no need to raise the level of the bridge as it has never flooded and the canal is not a waterway for any type of boats or other watercraft.
The 4 way stop signs are NOT the answer. Big trucks  are having a difficult time as they cannot make the turn with a car sitting at the stop sign. Many of the truck drivers are feeling the pressure of added cost due to the issue of added expense for fuel, wear and tear on brakes, etc. from having to stop and start. The rumble strips are causing major disruption to the homes nearby as the sound can be heard inside the homes and it is even causing windows to actually rattle.
This is a problem caused by DOT engineers and how the bridge was redesigned when updated so trying to "fix' the issue with the cheapest alternative is simply unacceptable. 
The over-whelming consensus of those that live on 99/45, the Railroad Bed Road and the surrounding areas that travel these roads on a daily basis is that “vehicles entering highway" caution lights or raising the level of the Railroad Bed Road intersection to align with the raised bridge on Hghway 99/45 would be a better, safer and more feasibe solution. It could also be pointed out that simpy maintaining the grass and weeds on both sides of the road around the bridge would alleviate some, but not all, of the blind spot issue.
We request that this problem be addressed and resolved before someone is hurt or killed because of the bad decision that was made to install the 4 way stop signs by those engineers that do not live in the area or travel the roads, causing them to have no real ability to assess the situation on a first hand basis.
Thank- you!

Friends of Pungo, Pike Road, Wenona, Grassy Ridge, Ponzer    Contact the author of the petition

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