Dress Code Swampscott Middle School

The Middle school we are currently attending had a dress code where your shorts/dress/skirt etc. length must be below your fingertips. This was okay. Recently, the principal has changed the dress code. Now, your shorts must go to your knees. DOWN TO YOUR KNEES!!!!!  Most companies don't even make shorts that go down to your knees!!! Lots of people are prone to heat stroke, and plenty of people recently spent lots of thier money on school clothing that they are now forbidden to wear. Also, the majority of children in our school walk to/from school and now are forced to walk in the warmth of outdoors. (Keep in mind that it is spring) We live by the beach!! Also most classrooms don't even have air conditioning! And teachers always tell you to be yourself, but with this rule you can't do this! You can't dress the way you want! Please sign this petition. 

Students of Swampscott Middle School    Contact the author of the petition