End the NBA lockout

To the Owners, Players and the Commissioner of the NBA,

We, the fans of the NBA are very disappointed in the NBA losing games to the lockout. While we understand that the labor negotiations are part of any collective bargaining process, it is totally unacceptable for the NBA to take games away from us and deprive us of our entertainment options with scant regard. Fans pay every single dollar - both directly and indirectly, that makes up your revenue and salaries and we deserve more respect and say in the matter. The common man on the street is struggling to make both ends meet in this economy and many people are losing their business and jobs because of the lockout. The billionaire owners and the millionaire players are fighting over billions of dollars without any shame or concern for the average fan and the average citizen whose livelihood is dependent on the NBA games. You had the entire off-season to figure this out, but you refused to resolve the issues in a timely fashion. We pay good money for these NBA seats and if we can't even count on you guys playing these games on schedule, we can only wonder how irrelevant you think we are. We were not happy about losing games in 1998 and we are even angrier about losing games now. There is more money in the game now than ever and please figure out a way to split it equitably without bothering us the fans. We feel insulted, angry, disappointed and it's going to take a lot more than it did in 1999 to win us back. NBA better start working on mending the fences with the fans right away.

Please comply with the following 2 demands from the fans or lose us forever. We won't attend a single NBA game this season in person if the following demands are not met. We will also avoid watching NBA on TV if these demands are not met to our satisfaction

1) End the lockout ASAP. Lose no more games and begin the season on December 1-St 2011. Just go, figure it out!

2) We need a 5% discount on all NBA tickets this season. We want our piece of the pie. Giving us a meaningful discount is the only way you can earn our business back.




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