Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album

jolanda dams

#1376 put the original clips on youtube again in the netherlands

2010-11-23 23:33

i want to ask sony to put the original videoclips from songs like you are not alone(with wings)and other songs like earthsong with the earthgirl on the youtube channel again and don't block them these are the beautiest videoclips and you are bloking them in my country, why is that?
jolanda dams

#1377 Re: This new album isn't Michael's work

2010-11-23 23:44

you are so right, i won't buy it when i hear other voices than michael's on the background. randy told that it was fake and katherine to, just like his children. michael would turn around in his grave if he knew sony was doing this.i even think aeg and sony killed him only to earn a lot more money than when he was alive. if you don't know than look to who killed michael jackson that's an eyeopener#30: Scarlett White - This new album isn't Michael's work  


Gabriel Anger


2010-11-24 01:02

For respect fan's and music! MJ

#1379 Truth

2010-11-24 04:02

Let Truth prevail.
josyane cosimi

#1380 Michael Jackson fans unite

2010-11-24 04:12

Please, messieurs les faiseurs de fric, ne galvaudez pas l'oeuvre de toute une vie de la plus grande star de la planète, MICHAEL JACKSON. Respectez le perfectionnisme de ce génie musical. Ses fans vous en seront reconnaissants.
Zézé Jackson

#1381 No new album!!!!

2010-11-24 04:24



#1382 pour Michael

2010-11-24 09:11

Michael doit rester notre Michael et pas des imitations,car nous l'aimons trop.
kasu joseph usher

#1383 i miss you

2010-11-24 14:02

Am holding my tong coz
i dont want to speak,
Am closing my eyes coz
i dont want to leave
the most interesting dream,
a dream of being apart of
the Michael Jackson era!

We miss you Michael, i miss you!



2010-11-24 14:42


#1385 Perfectionniste

2010-11-24 17:10

Quand il y a une chanson de Michael Jackson est fini, il y a qu'une seul personne qui le dit, c'est lui même. Cet album n'est pas un homage, c'est un manque de respect envers lui.
Merci Will I Am de dire la vérité a ce sale comercial de Akon
Miwa Kamisugi

#1386 Please…

2010-11-24 17:27

Give him the best respect.
He deserves it.

Michael, we love you forever.
Françoise lion


2010-11-24 18:17

je signe cette pétition car je trouve inadmissible que l on puisse manquer tant de respect envers l oeuvre du plus grand star de tous les temps Michael Jackson toujours pour l argent Sony continue a se faire du frics sur son dos c est scandaleux

#1388 pétition

2010-11-24 18:31

je signe cette pétition car je trouve inadmissible que l on puisse manquer tant de respect envers la plus grande star de tous les temps Michael Jackson Sony continue de ce faire du frics sur son dos c est scandaleux surtout après sa responsabilité de sa mort c est honteux

#1389 I decided to boycott this album

2010-11-24 19:17

Stop lying to us !!!
angela lucillo


2010-11-24 19:49

respect pour michael jackson

#1391 the best

2010-11-24 19:50

respect pour michael jackson



2010-11-24 20:15

some songs are clearly fakes , it's not Michael's real voice or the songs are not Michael 100%,just a part of it.I think fans,his children and specially Michael, deserve respect on his memory and his work.We preffer listening demo versions or unfinished songs of any time than fakes just for the enriechment of $ony and other$.
harel alison


2010-11-24 20:24

mickael jackson est unique donc on veut pas de speudo mickael sur son album!!!!!

#1394 tous les fans doivent signer

2010-11-24 20:44

c est pour justice a MJ qu il faut signer cette petition assez QUE sONY SE GOINFRE sur mj qui en paye de sa vie nous t aimons MJ et nous protegerons tes acquis
moretti aurelie

#1395 for the justice for michael jackson

2010-11-24 21:05

i love you michael
lila mjj


2010-11-24 21:58

i think michael is the only one who can tell if he want to this tracks can go out or no!! why? because he is the king!! he is the boss simply.
Michael is perfect like his songs, so it's enought !!
valerie lecomte

#1397 boycote

2010-11-24 23:08

Que faites vous de la mémoire du king?
Franc laetitia

#1398 About breaking news fake song

2010-11-24 23:12

it's not Mj !!!!!
Boryana Hristova

#1399 LEGACY

2010-11-25 03:41

agnes parrotte

#1400 Really ought to be ashamed!!!!!

2010-11-25 04:51

I really don't think those tracks are Micheal's and they should be ashamed of themselves. May he R.I.P. And may justice be served on his behalf.