End overcrowding on the 105 Bus

End overcrowding on the 105 Bus / Announcements / Besoin de votre aide pour la 105 / We need your help for the 105 / Comments



2014-10-30 01:16

Just received your email Now Oct 29th at 9:15 PM



2014-10-30 02:34

Oui ça serait la moindre des choses, surtout pour diminuer la circulation et l'achalandage.



2014-10-30 13:54

Have you considered bringing this situation to Mayor Copeman's attention ? And to the meetings of the NDG Borough Council Meeting : http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/portal/page?_pageid=7657,82927570&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL



2014-11-30 22:43

If the STM is tracking the amount of passengers, what happens when the ticket box is blocked with a "Desole" sticker and no one can pay? This happened to me the other evening at Vendome, where a bus full of passengers (full to the max) were all not able to pay. This was at evening rush hour.

Another thing that I have noticed happening quite often in the last month is that scheduled buses do not show up - perhaps missing two scheduled arrivals - then 3 buses show up. In the meantime, somepeople have taken taxis, and some have left for whatever reason. Then three buses arrive almost in succession, the first is jammed, overcrowded, the second takes the passengers that couldn't get on the first and the third is just about empty.

Also, as a senior, traveling by bus is just getting more difficult, especially overcrowded buses that make it difficult to hold on to avoid falling. I understand that NDG and Westmount have one of the hightest proportions of seniors in all of Canada; would it be possible for STM and the drivers to respond to that reality? STM could set an amazing model for the rest of Canada!

Also, as a senior, waiting in the cold is getting way more difficult. I don't tolerate the cold as well as I used to. This is another area that the STM could take pride and show compassion to those who no longer drive, or who cannot afford to drive and are left out in the cold at times due to STM not operating as effectively as they might.

We love Montreal! We love our public transit! Let's make it a public transit with heart!



2014-12-01 15:12

Why is the survey only in French??