Off-leash dog parks SLC

Off-leash dog parks SLC / Announcements / Notes from SLC Council Meeting 3/17/15 / Comments


#1 off leash improvements

2015-03-19 16:30

Good Work, Linda, on the meeting notes!

One thing they didn't specifically address is the use of Golf Courses during the winter/snowy season.

I hope we can find enough sponsoring groups to work with the city and share skills in building dog

walker communities and lobbying expertise.



2015-03-20 14:48

Thank you to all the people who have worked so hard on decrializing off leash dog walking. We have a frisbee dog that eats couches if he doesn't get his exercise off leash. He makes sure I get mine too! We are all healthier when we can exercise. It would be a lot less complicated if off leash time was not limited to spicific time. Instead mandating off leash dogs be under vocal command would ensure undesterbed use of all parks at all times by none dog lovers as well as stimulate more dog owners to sign up for dog obedience training. So much progess has been made. Thank you again for all the hard work.



2015-03-20 14:59

Allow none dog lovers and dog lovers who want to walk dogs off leash equal access to all parks. Other states have accomplished this by mandating off leash dogs be under vocal command of their owners under threat of citation. This will stimulate more dog owners to complete basic obedience classes with there pooches and trained dogs are loved dogs!



2015-03-20 20:17

I would love to see an off lease park in
Sandy. (Not like the off leash park they have now. I do not and will never use that park)