Colorado State Board of Education

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2015-11-05 17:22

Every One Deserves to have a fair and equal opportunity to receive a High School Equivalent. As it stands now, for many Adults this is not in a reasonable reach. Changes needs to be made.



2015-11-05 20:45

I am presently pursuing the CO Dept of Education's Adult Basic Education Authorization, with the hope of working as a professional educator in the field. In consideration of the many Colorado students seeking a better life for themselves by pursuing their high school equivalency, who will be affected by this for years to come, I think this issue before the Colorado State Board of Education deserves careful attention.



2015-11-05 22:19

If the state is going to look at other High School equivalency test options, a very detailed scrutiny of these tests need to occur. The state needs to be certain that each of the tests offered have the same level of academic rigor and are aligned to the College and Career Readiness Standards. If they do not, offering mutliple test options for high-school equivalency may not be the best path for ensuring that those seeking a HSE diploma will be college and career ready once they have passed the exams. Also, if the tests are not at the same academic rigor, then it is unfair to the students who choose to take tests with higher academic rigor to say that they have the equivalent diploma of student who took a test with less academic rigor. 


#4 Re: equal

2015-11-06 03:36

#3: -  

 For Some who want a diploma, it is not about academic vigor. It's about wanting a diploma, a 65 year old who would love to graduate, and it has been a life long goal, simply before they pass, should not take the same test as a17 year old who wants to be a bio chemist at a Major Medical Company. Please Open the door for those who have a dream, and let them make it a reality.





#5 Re:

2015-11-06 04:02

#3: -  

 I think the question to ask is what detailed review was ever done by the Dept of Ed before adopting the current GED to verify its alignment to the needs of Colorado?  The answer is none.  All High School Equivelency test should be reviewed, including the GED not just possible new options.



2015-11-07 19:02

I signed this petition because I believe strongly about expanding options for High School Equivalency assessments for my adult students in Colorado. The present assessment, GED, is not appropriate as an only choice, and has seriously affected my students' determination to pursue their HSE degree. It is significantly more difficult in content levels than the state PLACE test to credential elementary education teachers!!!



2015-11-09 16:14

As I had the honor for four years to teach part-time ESL 1 along with Civics under a grant the last year for Morgan Community College/Cargill Workplace Education it has opened my eyes to the needs of Adult Education in our State.

I also am active in this County of Morgan and Northern Colorado as a Realtor, Beef Producer/Rancher and community boards noting that the need to give a broader less monopolized option for those returning to get a High School Equivalency for our workers not only in the agriculture industry along with those business in our County, NE Colorado Region and the State of Colorado.

It does not matter which political party we are affiliated with it matters that we get those who sadly slipped through the cracks to finish a high school degree the chance to do so with flexibility and put our workers to work!



2015-11-10 02:27

I am a Colorado Works case manager. Helping people get their GED is part of my job. Too often I see them get discouraged and walk away it shouldn't be that way,  it shouldn't be that difficult.



2015-11-10 13:25

We must think about the future of our students. How will these decisions impact their lives, their futures, and their motivation to complete the High School Equivalency? Do our students have options, or are they so limited by one test.  Many of these students desire to only improve their way of life, get a better job, and gain a technical skill that will improve their employ-ability and financial stability. Most will never go on to a traditional college; as educators and mentors we must do all we can to help them achieve their goals, become stable citizens, and strengthen their families. In turn, this will strengthen our state and our economy.  In the end, what really matters?

We must also ensure that all tests fall under the same limits, rules, and laws...we don't need fly by night scams to issue certificates to get quick gain and leave students in worse predicaments than they currently are.  



2015-11-10 16:44

We need to expand opportunities for a high-school level certificate in Colorado. The new GED isn't appropriate for all adult learners. Not all adult learners have easy access to or skills with a computer, and not all adult learners are expecting to enroll in a 4-year college.

It comes down to consumers' choice and up to now, the state of Colorado had limited, via legislation, consumers' choice of a secondary credential. Adults are capable of making up their own mind about such things when presented with the benefits and drawbacks of each available certificate (GED, TASC, or HiSET).  I applaud this effort to bring in the best minds in Colorado, in the form of adult secondary education practitioners, to establish best policies and practices in regards to these alternative certificates. We are the ones in the trenches, working with adult learners every day.  We know good standards of quality and practice. Please bring our voices to the table!



2015-11-11 01:18

I am an adult education teacher, and I have seen the number of my students able to successfully complete their high school equivalency tests plummet in the past year. Many of the students become frustrated because of the level of difficulty of the GED test and drop out of my program. Some older adult students do not have the skills to pass the test on the computer, and the GED test is only administered online. If my students are trying to achieve their high school equivalency diploma to advance at work or simply to get a job, then why have such high academic levels needed to pass the GED test? I feel that other test options are needed.



2015-11-11 15:53

Rules are important. We need to embrace a change and improve the rules not rewrite them. I agree completely.



2015-11-11 21:43

Because CAEPA recommends it, and because I believe a choice about which test to use for high school equivalency is a good thing.



2015-11-12 19:09

We options of testing for our adult learners. Some of our students would like to have more employment opportunities, but the GED would literly take years for them to prepare for. If there were other high school equivalency test, it would open more doors of opportunity and help students reach their dreams.



2015-11-16 12:07

Colorado needs an effective pipeline for its' 30,000 adults who are without a high school diploma. Adults need to have a choice in pathways to their goals. Educators need effective tools to support success. Organizations need clear a consistent rules on the High School Equivalency processes. A one size fits all does not work with a diverse population.



2015-11-17 16:59

Students, especially those who, for a variety of reasons, were not successful in traditional high school, need more than one avenue for completing their high school equivalency. One test does not meet all students' needs. As an adult educator in Colorado, I see many students struggle to 'pass the GED test'. Quite frankly, some of them never will; they do not have the aptitude to do so. That is not being unkind---it is reality. Many current high school seniors cannot pass this test.
Giving another option, that clearly tests basic skills in math, history, reading, science and writing could open up doors for these particular individuals that were never open before. Perhaps all they need is a job....not a career. There is nothing wrong with simply getting a job.
So other choices of testing, ones that are not as rigorous as the GED testing service test, would be great options for them to actually succeed. Thank you.
Anna Mae Rael-Lindsay

#17 Colorado State Board of Education Petition

2015-11-26 17:48

As CAEPA President, and the originator of the letters to the Colorado State Board of Education, I feel strongly that the Board of Education place emphasis on the impact of adult education in the state of Colorado.

With over 30,000 adults needing a high school equivalency certificate, it can only make perfect sense to the economy of the state of Colorado to offer choices for folks who may just want a job...not a college degree.

We ask the Colorado State Board of Education to give this their utmost attention and allow those of us in the field to contribute to decisions made in the repeal of the rules guiding this process.

I would invite those of you interested in this process to attend the meeting with the Colorado State Board of Education on December 9, 2015 at 10:00 am  - State Board Room, Colorado Department of Education, 201 E. Colfax Ave., Room 101, Denver, CO 80203. All State Board of Education meetings are open to the public. Join us with your suggestions and comments.

Anna Mae Rael-Lindsay

#18 Correcton to time of hearing on comment #17

2015-11-26 23:48

The hearing regarding notice of rulemaking is  2:00 pm on Wednesday,  December 9, 2015 same location.