Colorado State Board of Education


/ #7

2015-11-09 16:14

As I had the honor for four years to teach part-time ESL 1 along with Civics under a grant the last year for Morgan Community College/Cargill Workplace Education it has opened my eyes to the needs of Adult Education in our State.

I also am active in this County of Morgan and Northern Colorado as a Realtor, Beef Producer/Rancher and community boards noting that the need to give a broader less monopolized option for those returning to get a High School Equivalency for our workers not only in the agriculture industry along with those business in our County, NE Colorado Region and the State of Colorado.

It does not matter which political party we are affiliated with it matters that we get those who sadly slipped through the cracks to finish a high school degree the chance to do so with flexibility and put our workers to work!