Contact the author of the petition

This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition KRUGER NATIONAL PARK ANTI HOTEL DEVELOPMENT GROUP.



2011-06-24 12:53

Anything to help our animals is worth while.



2011-06-24 19:31

keep it natural guys, money will never contribute to the beauty of nature, kruger park is our pride, majestic and big, dont scape land for the use of what you think might just be finacialy agreable...



2011-06-24 20:45

Over the past 25 years I have brought my Family to south Africa and specifically Kruger National Park. I have recommended scores of people in Canada and the USA to visit the Kruger Park because of what it is a National Park.
If a hotel is built in the park I will choose another venue perhaps in Kenya.



2011-06-27 14:41

This desecration of our heritage MUST be stopped



2011-07-02 10:55

There are enough existing hotels out the park..use those ?, build more rustic camps like tzendze, and wilderness trail camps, not bloody hotels..!



2011-07-04 08:37

the dollar is mightier than conservation,



2011-07-05 17:31

I believe in the cause!



2011-07-05 20:17

This is wonderful to have this petition! I have gladly signed it. I am grateful I have been notified of this travesty of justice for the wildlife and plant life!
Russell Robinson
The author of this petition

#134 Labels by the major protagonists.

2011-07-07 11:48

Why is this? Surely we, the tax paying citizens of this country have a right to dispute how our taxes are spent and to make every possible effort to preserve out heritage.

Was Stevenson-Hamilton (One of Kruger's first game wardens) an "elitist" or "racist" because his vision was to keep it as virginal as possible?

Would it not be logical to keep nature as nature should be.

Another link:

It's important to note that I support the efforts of all groups who are opposed to the development of hotels and inside the Kruger National Park (or any other national park in South Africa. I also distance myself from any racial implications.

It is necessary to protect the animals of all our national parks and consider it my duty to support the views of Stevenson-Hamilton. Keep it natural.

#135 Developments

2011-07-14 00:15

Sanparks and Kruger are appearing before the Parliamentary Select Committee this month. A sure sign we are being noticed!

Well done, all petitioners!



2011-07-14 10:58

One of our Countries last areas of PEACE AND TRANQUILITY and Areas where ANIMALS are shown TRUE RESPECT. WHY RUIN IT.



2011-07-14 11:01

Heal the WORLD don't DESTROY IT



2011-07-14 17:39

I am not in favour of the Hotel Development in the Kruger National Park because it will destroy the originality of what it was meant for eg natural nature.



2011-07-14 22:17

There are more than enough space where they can built hotels, why in the National Parks? You go there especialy to be in nature!



2011-07-25 14:58

Yes, SANParks should try and maximise revenue created by the Kruger, but never to the detriment of its magestic scenery/wildlife. Hotels can be erected outside Kruger borders. They don't belong inside a haven like the Kruger!



2011-07-26 23:16

Read Gen 1:28


#142 @ #141

2011-07-27 10:00

"Be fruitful and multiply.... Rule over the earth and subdue it..."

Nowhere in the Bible have I ever seen anything that says we should destroy the earth. At a guess I would say that a couple of hundred years ago, wild animals roamed the area where the office block I work in is situated. Sadly, we have pushed them into a very small corner of the world and now we want to desecrate that small part of paradise as well? Without men like Paul Kruger to have the vision he had, I think that most of the wild animals would now be extinct.

How sad is that indictment against the human race? We are so destructive that unless we do something radical and do it soon, we are on the brink of complete self destruction.

In this context, your post makes no sense to me.


2011-07-28 11:53




2011-08-10 20:20

We need to preserve our National Parks for the future generations of S.A. Rather have less traffic and accommodation and thus less expensive staff to run the Park (KNP) and instead of paying outside security train your own security. If there is a will there is a way to cut down expenses. Less traffic for instance will be less upkeep on the roads.



2011-08-12 14:31

DISGUSTING - There are enough Lodges/Conference Centres just outside the KNP. The Park is already in danger of losing its wilderness appeal!GOD's Creation is magnificent but man is hellbent on destroying it. PLEASE people say NO -NO- NO to this atrocity.



2011-08-29 19:25

The Kruger National Park is already over-poulated in terms of day visitors and becomes very congested in places. If upmarket hotels and conference centres are built there, they will completely destroy the atmosphere of bush life and being close to nature. What will the next step be in destroying our natural heritage?

#147 Re: Re:

2011-08-31 09:11

#28: CUSTOS - Re: This forum was started by the Aikona group to discuss the proposed hotel developments, Please have a look and join if interested




2011-09-09 22:44

I am signing this petition in an effort to prevent further commercialised encroachment on conservation land - which is our heritage. We need to preserve what is left, without comparing ourselves to the rest of the world's parks or developments. Two wrongs do not make a right. Never has, never will.



2011-09-13 13:09

Same story - to try pull more golden eggs from the goose.
They will kill Kruger park.
Its greed and more greed...Never ending...
Maybe they could put a Disney land there too!
Mabunda (the CEO of Kruger) doesn't have a clue!!
He is greedy and raping SA'S BEST BEST WILDERNESS!
Already the pretoriaskop camp is totally overdeveloped! Looks like a village.



2011-09-13 13:27

Do we really need more precious land being taken away and destroyed for greedy hotel /government developers.