Opposition To Any New Mandatory Warning Symbol for Cannabis Products in the State of Washington



2016-07-29 20:36

I have reviewed the petition and the proposed rule. The sticker requirement appears to be senseless asshattery, in my opinion. It is meant to prevent illiterate children from consuming edibles. The goal is sound, but the method needs work. The extra warning would be of fixed size and design, and would include a copyright fee.
I've signed the petition.
If packaging requirements for edibles need to change, so that ganjous candies are more clearly discernible from non-ganjous ones, I would support that.



2016-07-29 20:41

Its the right thing to do. Its important to stay united on and industry who is constantly getting hit in all directions. Unlike any business in history. We cannot afford to not sign.



2016-07-30 07:57

Too many rules already.



2016-08-06 13:52

What if we made the argument that this warning needs to be on all adult vices (tobacco and alcohol too).  I'll bet the big dogs would come in and kibosh it right away. 



2016-08-06 18:27

One warning label is enough to attach to packaging. We have a tremendous amount of labeling cost as it is to attach two very small packages .



2016-08-06 18:39

It isn't needed. There is already warnings on the label. This is just another way for a company that does not endorse cannabis to milk some money out of the system. Is it possible there are adults or children that don't already know about cannabis? The government has been propagandizing lies for 70 years.

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2016-08-07 02:11



2016-08-07 12:51

I signed this due to my belief that marijuana should be a schedule 3 listing for medicines. It is incredibly regulated for a natural flower that has been around hundreds of years.



2016-08-07 15:08

Producers and processors are subjected to too many rules and regulations. This sticker isn't required on opiates, alcohol or laundry pods, all
Of which KILL children. We need to make regulations that make sense. This does not.



2016-08-07 17:47

I believe excessive regulation on this issue is exactly that...excessive with additional costs that are not necessary due to existing rules.



2016-08-08 02:11

To support realistic regulations on the recreational marijuana industry in WA state.



2016-08-08 15:26

Too much regulation, unnecessary add more labels