Victims of Allen Stanford Fraud Petition the U.S. Government

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2011-11-11 09:30

trust-victim, the situation is not clear for everything. But this does not mean that we should not take action or that we should not sign any petition; WE MUST MAKE NOISE and show the Court that WE are not happy with all the process!
The Petition shows how the victims are claiming Justice in many points, not only regarding the SIPC. With that Petition we demand a prompt trial of RAS, a prompt distribution, a "removal" of the committee/Janvey who has spent lots of millions and the SIPC for ALL brokers associated to SGC (this means if you bought your CD in Miami, Peru, MExico, etc trough offices associated to SGC). Be aware that by signing this Petition, this does not mean that all the points will be accepted... HOWEVER it will show that outside are a lot of victims around the World who are unhappy and we will continue making noise until we recover our savings!
Don't stop signing if you disagree with one point of the Petition! A prompt trial of RAS is also VERY IMPORTANT in order to clarify many thing and in order to proceed with the claim of third party like for example the claim against the Bank HSBC, Toronto, etc...
PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION and Forward this request to your friends asking for SUPPORT!
Catherine Burnell


2011-11-11 15:34


 I am being asked why I did not ask for SIPC for all victims in the petition so I will try and explain.  1) The petition and demands had to be kept reasonable and achievable.  2) The petition is for the COURTS and GOVERNMENT.  The courts and government do not make decisions regarding SIPC, this is decided by the SEC and SIPC.  3) To ask for SIPC for all would have brought opposition from the people on the US committee who do not think that the International victims should be paid by America, and they may have encouraged politicians to ignore what we are saying.  4) I wanted a petition that would get the support of the American public.  5) Someone is already writing to the Senate asking that SIPC be paid to all victims and it would have been rude to interfere with what this person has been working on.  6) We need to take baby steps and be realistic in what we are asking for, but mainly we need our voices to be heard, and that is the whole point of signing this petition.  LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD, or don't complain when you are ignored!!



2011-11-15 03:12

Necesitamos que esto se resuelva YA!! el ahorro de toda una vida quedo en manos ajenas y no se muestra seriedad alguna para resolver este caso.Muestren seriedad y tomen cartas en el asunto!!
An American

#29 This is stupid

2011-11-16 20:58

This is such a joke. Each member of Congress represents their constituents. If you aren't their constituent, they don't care, don't have the obligation to care, aren't elected to care, and won't ever care. If you want to get the attention of the U.S. government, you should first be a citizen and secondly, an important one.



2011-11-19 21:21

USA Government help the justice?....
USA Government protect the citizens?....
USA State Agencies(like CIA,DEA,FBI etc )are "clean " in cases like the Stanford fraud?...Never collaborate with this financial mafia?...
Look ,please ,the reality in the Stanford miserable fraud and you will answer yourself all these questions
Very worry situation...



2011-11-19 21:37

No conozaco un mas descarado caso de fraude financiero en os ultimos meses ( y aqui incluyo a Madoff)
Madoff es un financiero golfo que ,mayoritariamente,engañó a Fondos de Inversión ,Cajas de Pensiones de muchos paises,bancos de todos tamaños,ciudadanos ricos etc
Stanford ,este golfo presumido,robó a ,mayoritariamente,pequeños ahorradores ( alguno ,no tan pequeño,hay que reconocerlo,pero son minoria)y personas de clase modesta y media ,que querian tener una mejor posicion economica en la hora de la jubilacion.
Y este engaño fué sobre decenas de miles de desafortunados inversores.
Ahora ,pensemos como se manejan estos escandalos en USA
1.-¿A quienes han afectado?
En Madoff ,a poderosos .Gente que mueve muchisimos millones y que tienen poder financiero ,politico y...mediático( terrible para un politico USA que puede perder su sillon en el Congreso o Senado si no combate el escandalo rapidamente)

¿En el caso de Stanford?
Miles de pequeños (y poco poderosos) ciudadanos ,de paises mas bien pobres ,sin recursos extras para atacar con famosos abogados,prensa,television etc y ,desde luego,como la mayoria no son ciudadanos USA ,su opinion (voto) no tiene ningun efecto en los USA
Y esto ,señores,es el quid de la cuestion
No somos nada para ese grupo interesado y pueblerino de politicos que quieren seguir calentando su asiento en el Congreso y Senado USA
¿Justicia en USA?...Je.Je...
No esperemos mucho .
Poco retorno tendremos de nuestro dinero.
Si nó,al tiempo.
La juerga durará un poco más ..y eso si el Sr Stanford no "se nos muere " antes....o despues del juicio( o durante ,si se pone a hablar de "sus"cosas)..
Un abrazo a todos los sufridores


2011-11-21 16:17

need to continue pressure on the SEC to open claims process with SIPC



2011-11-21 20:20

Fellow victims we must forward this to our family and friends. They do not have to be victims to support this petition. The more signs we have, the more likely we will get attention to this cause. Lets keep praying. May God bless us all.



2011-11-21 22:21

Por fin, después de casi tres años, tenemos unos auditores que parece están decididos a cumplir con la responsabilidad que han recibido y ademas tenemos una Comisión que nos representa como acreedores o perjudicados. Confiamos que iremos logrando buenos resultados.
Carlos F.



2011-11-22 04:57

Hope we can achieve removal and investigation of Janvey and Judge Godbey



2011-11-22 06:22

'trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding" Proverbs 3:5 We must pray!



2011-11-28 15:51

Ms. Burnell, attacking other victims' groups and misinforming innocent victims about signing your petition is really a disservice of your part . Petitions to governments are for citizens to make. Unfortunately your petition is not going anywhere. I know you will erase this comment because it does no suit your purposes and of the blind followers helping you. I feel sorry for you.
Catherine Burnell
The author of this petition

#38 Re:

2011-11-28 18:03

#37: -  

I am sorry that you do not agree with the petition  but it is the  prerogative of everyone to make their own decisions. 

I will not remove this comment because you are entitled to your opinions, just as I am entitled to disagree with them.  I suspect I know who you are and I am not attacking you or your group, it is you who chose to cause the victims to fractionalise which is no help to anyone.  I am trying to unit as many victims as possible and do whatever I can to help and assist.  If you find my actions threatening I am sorry, they are not directed towards you or any individual. 

I fail to understand how this petition can do anything but help International Victims.  If you can give me genuine constructive reasons for your concerns instead of just making wild allegations perhaps we can discuss them.  My email address is available and I invite you to write to me.  I always use my name, perhaps you would like to use yours.


#39 Re:

2011-11-28 22:51

#37: -  

 I don't understand your comments, this petition can only help international victims. It's statements are clear and precise and I see no misinformation in the petition.

It doesn't cost anything to sign this petition and this lady has never asked me or anyone I know for a dime. Perhaps instead of complaining you should  do something to help the international victims instead of causing division amongst the victims.

Victim that is praying


2011-11-29 00:08

We will achieve more if we stand together. There are thousands of victims -fighting will get us nowhere. Let's make our voices be heard. WE MUST PASS THIS LINK TO OUR CONTACTS! And WE MUST KEEP PRAYING.


#41 Re: Re:

2011-11-29 06:09

#39: Paul - Re:

The biggest flaw of your  “petition” is that petitioning the U.S. government for a cause is a US citizen constitutional right, courtesy of the First Amendment.  And by the way, the US Constitution Does Not Protect Foreign Citizens.  Additionally, members of Congress only  listen to their constituents and care about constituent opinions. They don’t have an obligation to care about foreigners  “petitions”.   You go it all wrong.


This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)

2011-11-29 06:10

Catherine Burnell
The author of this petition

#43 Re:

2011-11-29 14:52

#41: - Re: Re:  

This comment sounds like a certain "leader" has taken the time to check the petition and reply!!!  Again, you seem afraid to use your name, although we all know who you are and why you don't want this petition to be successful.  So sad that you are content to work for yourself and your minority group and not put the effort in for the benefit of the majority of victims as you once promised to do.  Shame on you for dividing the victims and only working for your own selfish ends.  Your negativity does you no favours.

Your objective seems to be to silence anyone who is not part of your group and this is the whole point of the petition, we must all be heard!! 

This petition does represent ALL victims, including Americans, there are American signatures on the petition.  If you are so sure this petition will not work why are you so intent on telling your group NOT to sign it??  I am sure there are many Americans who feel shame at the sense of injustice being suffered by the International Victims and their consciences will convince them to do the right thing and support us in this.  Don't let greed take over your soul, one day we will all have to answer to a greater god than money.


#44 Re: Re:

2011-11-29 17:07

#43: Catherine Burnell - Re:  

 I am American and like many other U.S. citizens I have signed the petition. I see nothing in it that would be detrimental to myself or U.S. citizens, far from it. I am appalled that after 3 years Janvey has not paid a single cent to any of the victims but has successfully paid himself millions of dollars. 

I don't know if this new liquidator in Antigua will be any better but at least he has made public his intention to distribute any money he receives fairly to all victims, something Janvey spectacularly failed to do.

In the U.S. we hope and pray that SIPC will make good our losses, unfortunately this will not help international victims, so I feel for you guys, I really do.

John (UK)

#45 We Must all remain United in our Fight

2011-11-29 21:15

We are all victims regardless of where we live and the SEC failed us all. We must remain united and fight together for justice, most of us are elderly and have lost our life savings through the negligence of the SEC.

I cannot understand people who refuse to sign this petition, there is nothing negative and it benefits all victims.

I see comments from a minority saying "congress won't listen" or this petition "isn't going anywhere" and "US Constitution Does Not Protect Foreign Citizens" nothing constructive from these people and no good reason as to why we shouldn't sign this petition.

There is strength in numbers let us all unite and sign, as for the comment those who sign the petition are " blind for signing it". The opposite is true, my eyes are wide open and it is those who complain about every attempt to unite victims that are blind.
In God we trust

#46 Re: We Must all remain United in our Fight

2011-11-30 04:23

#45: John (UK) - We Must all remain United in our Fight

I completely agree with John (UK). One step further that we can take (and must!) is ask our contacts to sign this petition as supporters. Congress should know that the eyes of the world are watching and waiting.



2011-12-11 18:30

No money, sorry



2011-12-27 21:53

We lost about about $500,000 in this scam!



2012-01-04 19:57

Please keep me updated about status of this petition or any other related issues