Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-19 09:27

save the nation by saving religion. extremists should be banned, not bhagvad gita. this cae should be dismissed.



2011-12-19 09:27

mayuri joshi



2011-12-19 09:27

support this petitions



2011-12-19 09:27

Basically Bhagavad-gita is the book written (by lord itself) on science for every human being, to know about himself.



2011-12-19 09:28

give just two minites then you can benefit lacs of people.....



2011-12-19 09:28

It is a great shame that the great Russian Nation - so called friends of the Indians is indulging in something so ugly - the Indian Govt should respond overwhelmingly



2011-12-19 09:30

CONFIRM, Ivica Švegar CRO



2011-12-19 09:30

those who are against B'Gita ,there life is useless and these people are like animals or demons



2011-12-19 09:31

Please drop any move to ban the Bhagavad gita which has inspired many great world leaders including many Russian s.It (the Bhagavad Gita) is not sectarian either.It rather preaches full commitment to one's duty.



2011-12-19 09:32

support this pition



2011-12-19 09:32

it is religious book revered by millions of people around the world .the contents of the sacred book are not against any religion or group.i therefore reqest the russian govt not to press for the ban of the book.the true taeching of the book will bring peace/harmony among the different groups/religions of the world



2011-12-19 09:33

Bhagavad Gita as it is is one of the most bonafide scripture - the present move exposes the deep ignorance of the concerned people



2011-12-19 09:33

Как юрист, я не удивляюсь тому, что у нас происходит сейчас в судах. Что ж, если решение суда о признании Бхагават-Гиты экстремистской литературой вступит в законную силу, буду готовиться сесть в тюрьму, или может введут смертную казнь по данной статье, но Всевышнего Господа Кришну не предам и не отрекусь пока ещё жив.В этом я уж точно уверен, так как это от меня зависит, всё остальное от Кришны.

#3739 Bhagvad Gita must not be banned

2011-12-19 09:34

Bhagvad Gita must not be banned. Infact, We have to appreciate it. It is the holy verses of Lord Krishna to us for our welfare.

#3740 Hare Krishna!

2011-12-19 09:34

Hare Krishna!



2011-12-19 09:35

This is not acceptable in any part of the world. because no country is independent to operate by themselves. Today and tomorrow generation is all about cooperation and coordination of many races who live together.



2011-12-19 09:36

Thank you for involving me in this type of services.



2011-12-19 09:37

gods gift to the humans



2011-12-19 09:37

Please don't do this...!



2011-12-19 09:37

Truth will prevail. Hare Krishna



2011-12-19 09:37

Bhagvad gita is an universal book it should not be banned



2011-12-19 09:39

На мой взгляд, то что происходит в Томске это акт вандализма.Как здравомыслящий человек, считаю своим долгом подписать эту петицию.



2011-12-19 09:40

The GEETA is an instrument to improve our life beyond the mondane thing, that does not mean it causes any harm to the world or any authority.



2011-12-19 09:40

Я против суда!! Эти писания помогли многим людям!! и мне в том числе!!



2011-12-19 09:40

Only the ignorant will have a belief that gita is extremist.
It's a path to righteous living