Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-21 10:09

Restricting access to information always shows a state that tries to keep its citizens in darkness. Religious oppression always shows a state that is itself in darkness. Russia is well above that level... but this should be apparent in the policies.



2011-12-21 10:09

Understanding about one's existence and the purpose of existance is critical for every human being and he reserves the right to know the same. Krsna's words as mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita is exactly meant for this realization hence nobody across the globe should be denied of this.



2011-12-21 10:09

ban on bhagvatgita......... is ban on humanity andculture in world.


#6029 Велла

2011-12-21 10:16

Харе Кришна!!! Сознание этих людей детсадовское, только в детском саду спорят "Чей папа круче?", а они о том "Чей Бог лучше?" - такая глупость, просто страшно, что порой подобные споры приводят к гибели многих людей, которые пытаются найти свои, близкие именно им отношения с Господом. Суд над Бхагавад Гитой - звучит просто жутко....



2011-12-21 10:21

Причислять Бхагавад-гиту к экстремистской литературе полный абсурд. Тот кто читал это священное писание понимает это. Все равно что Библию причислить.
Бхагавад-гита - это путь к успеху, процветанию и пониманию жизни и прежде всего духовной, это путь к спасению, но чтобы это понять нужен разум и сила. В данном священном писании нет ни одного признака экстремизма.



2011-12-21 10:24

All tyrants and facist regimes are oposed to the identity and dignity of all living entities being the most important and essential purpose of life. In all its forms, this disregard for the sacredness of life and a political or supposedly religious methodology which believes that the ends justifys the means,leads to the destruction of all that is Divine and beautiful. It is based in envy of the beauty displayed by a diversity of beings and the sacred truth that the ultimate destination of all beings is freedom, joy, light, love and eternal personhood and a love that is undying.



2011-12-21 10:29

Russians are very worst people.....



2011-12-21 10:30

Bhagavad-Gita is soul of Hindu belief and teachings therein have been adopted by many non-Hindu communities as well worldwide. It is a totally non-controversial book and is the heart of Indian cultural beliefs.



2011-12-21 10:31

When a country begins to question the very fountainhead of all wisdom, then it is not very far from doom.



2011-12-21 10:32

A very important and urgent petition indeed requiring immediate and worldwide attention as this is a serious crime for an attempt to ban Bhagavad Gita, which are the teachings of Lord Sri Krishna, in Russia.



2011-12-21 10:39

It is high time that other religions start respecting each other's principles, books, scriptures and religious doctrines in all countries rather than acting foolishly by imposing ban on scriptures like Bhagavad Gita, which form the teachings of Lord Sri Krishna and is the basis for spirituality in our lives.


2011-12-21 10:40

In Putin's Russia here is no democracy, no human rights. What would you expect from an ex-KGB agent?



2011-12-21 10:42

save the country from greatest disaster by distributing bhagwad gita.its very practical in life.



2011-12-21 10:44

Bhagavad Gita As It Is, is one of the best book that i have ever read. My humble request to you is please let people read this book. Everyone will like it.



2011-12-21 10:48

Bhagavath gita is the world's philosophies' philosophy. It is a like a knowledge explosion the more you read the more enlightened you will be. No philosophy can withstand the real crux it has and unable to compete, hence, threatening in the name of ban, but howlong they can ban it if people wants it.



2011-12-21 10:52

Bhagvad-Gita is not a book it is the Voice of Supreme lord of Krishna and he advise us that how to pass our life in peaceful manner in such stress ful world/



2011-12-21 10:59

we considered to russians our best reliable frnds and i hope they will not do any kind of work which will be a breaking point,but afterall i likes russian strict laws!love to russia



2011-12-21 11:01

this is not fair.



2011-12-21 11:06

BG is for all the people for all the time.



2011-12-21 11:08

Some unscrupolous elements can't check the movement of the Supreme Lord !!!



2011-12-21 11:15

Не нам судить Бхагавад-гиту!!!



2011-12-21 11:16

hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare



2011-12-21 11:21

Bhagvad gita is manual to live life



2011-12-21 11:25

Bhagavad-gita no one in the world can challenge this teachings



2011-12-21 11:33

Don't band Bhagvathgeetha