No Sanction No War on Iranian people: Canadian inhumane position

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2012-01-30 00:13

Sadam - North Korean Dictator had not suffered from sanctions but Iraqis and North Korean people.
and the west still negotiating with the undemocratic regimes.



2012-01-30 05:06

Yes to sanctions against Iranian goverment.
No to sanctions against Iranian people.



2012-01-30 09:09

I hope they refrain from a war which only results in destruction and human loss



2012-01-30 09:57

stop economi war



2012-01-30 16:31

we Iranian deserve better than this and with act of sanction and war US and CANADA will prove that their government is no better than Iran government,as well as last 35 years lack of diplomacy .we are highly educated and motivated we can help our government of Cnada how to succeed this turmoil,because we know the culture and situation better than your ore judjed experts.god bless all the people with the faith of help and not kill and destroy.we have hope.



2012-01-30 23:06

Sanctions make those who impose it complicit in elemental human rights violations. Lift them now.



2012-01-31 03:17

cana was a peace keepping counrty,it swhould be allwase so. we dont whant , for the political interest of consevaties to suport terrorist state of Israel,to distroy the canadadean peace loving people in the world.


2012-01-31 04:05

Sanctions will bother only poor people



2012-02-02 09:45

Stop sanctions and war on iran



2012-02-02 09:53

Stop acting like a humanetarian. Deport khavari if your intentions are real. He is a top iranian goverment authority



2012-02-03 00:13

Only the governments take something out of a war, people always lose on both ends.



2012-02-06 14:51

This is Jomhori eslami want to have WAR becuse withot War can not be alive. Do not forget KHOMENI SIAD (GANG IS NEAMAT ELAHI).We against of WAR, but SANCTION WILL DESTORE THEM BUT MUST BE TARGET TO REZIM?


2012-02-07 21:28

It is a given that America's and England's lapdog Canada will so what it is told by it's masters. What can you expect from a country that is still living under in the dark ages as a colony of England. Lets get real here and start seeing things for what they are. Iran are not the agressors and have not been for over 300 years. With that fact on the table lets start using our gray matter and tell our so called friends we don't do murder for oil and the jews can fight their own wars of agression.



2012-02-08 05:29

I don't think wath they are doing about Iran is fair to Iranin people they should just deal with Iranian goverment

#15 when will it end?

2012-02-10 00:57

when will it end, can't we just let people live?
i do not want to live in a country leaded by criminals who do not respect humans right.
enough is enough!



2012-02-17 20:37

3000 Years ago, Persians created human rights. How sanctions and war can resolve their problems.If you have problems with Nuclear Iran programs, You must find a logic negotiable ways. War & Sanctions are not working in Iran.



2012-02-18 20:10

canadian goverment should distinguish between the dictatorship of islamic republc of iran with leadership of khameneei and iranian peoples.



2012-02-18 20:49

the eslamic republic of iran does not reprsent iranian peoples let's make that clear.



2012-02-19 04:11

no war!no sanction on iranian people!



2012-02-24 03:36

War is the next step of the sanctions. Sanctions and war will punish the ordinary Iranian people and empower the hardliners of the Iranian regime.

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2012-03-09 04:32