Rule 14.11 Boccia Rules 2013


/ #16 Re:

2013-02-27 01:22

#15: -  


Thanks for your Opinion.

I understand what you want to say.
I agree our boccia should be more speedy and dynamic sport for spectators.
So I assent the reduction of time limit in Throwing event.
but BC3 event is a special Event in Boccia. BC3 athletes have the most severe form of physical disability across all disability sports. BC3 athletes need a difficult process to throw a  ball.

Spectators are sometime excited about dynamic movement, but sometime are impressed by the challenge of the severe disabled like BC3 athlete.

I am so sorry for the process of this Rule change.
Why did BISFed omit the process of discussing about new rule.
Did BISFed already know many athletes and coaches would 'resist' the reduction of time limit? I hope not, but I cannot help suspecting that BISFed didn't include the rule about time limit in new Boccia Rule draft deliverately, and added the reduction of time limit in final version.

I think this is not entirely democratic. Even though the intension of BISFed is right, but BISFed should have taken the time to discuss with others.

And I would like to say to you. This petition is not a "resistance"

It is just a "democratic expression" because there was no 'democratic means' in the change of Boccia rule.

And I wonder why you referre to CP and Non-CP.
It is not a problem of CP or non-CP, it is a serious Problem to 'All Boccia Athletes'.