Petition for the August 1st Calendar

Heather Colier

/ #530 Unfair decision

2011-03-01 21:21

I teach in Cobb County and have students in a Cobb County Elementary School. I am very displeased with the decision that has been made to change the calendar for the upcoming school year. The current calendar was voted on, and approved for THREE years. It hasn't even been one year! Many parents have made travel plans according to the current calendar and will lose money for cancelling reservations, or be forced to remove their children from school in order to keep their plans. This is not fair. The calendar was voted on for three years and should NOT be changed until the three years is over.

In addition, the County sent out a survey before the decision was made. The survey's results made it apparent that the majority of Cobb County residents, teachers and parents were in FAVOR of the current calendar. WHY was the survey sent if the Board had NO INTENTION of using its results to help them in their decision making?????

I believe the current calendar allows students and teachers ample breaks which prevents "burnout" for both. I think the shorter Summers prevent students from having to "re-learn" as much when they return to school in August.

I know I speak for the majority when I say that this decision was made unfairly and should be revoted on!!!!

Heather Colier