A Humanist

/ #12 dingdong

2011-04-01 02:21

Another emotional plea from animal lovers. Unfortunately there IS no government in Egypt capable of making micro policy about animals. The country has enough problems sorting out it's human population, let alone worry about dogs and cats. Whilst I agree the alleged poisonings are cruel, this country is really not in a position to give a S**T.
Exactly who is this petition addressed to? Sir and Madam? Tourists and long term foreigners living in this place may be appalled by these poisonings and go "oh, how sad/cruel/backward/blah blah blah" but there are slightly more important issues that Egypt faces on a humanitarian level.
For the 1st time it may have the chance to participate in real elections which may lead to civilian Egyptians having a part in shaping their future. Women's rights and things like human trafficking, female genital mutilation, christian/muslim harmony will definitely take priority over your little puppy/kitten!!
I will NOT be signing this petition (addressed to who????) but will support humans in this country to have a chance at moving themselves upwards towards a better standard of living.
As for the Gandhi quote, I think the greatness of nation and it's moral progress can be judged by how it treats it's women, civilians, underprivileged, handicapped, and all citizens.
Pragmatically, puppies and kittens will have a better life in Western cultures for now :-)